Chapter 77: Battle for Junkertown Part. 3

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(AN: Okay... It's going to be a four part-er, but the next one will definitely be the last one of this arc. I also wanted to ask, do you guys normally see the announcements and are they useful at all? I put them out an hour before, but was thinking about posting them earlier, it's not really a big deal, just a thought. Also also, I've got classes starting back up, so updates probably won't be as frequent, but I'll still endeavour to release as often as possible. Hope you all enjoy as always!)


The storm only appeared to grow heavier and heavier, sand wrapping and dancing across the beige plains, dense and sharp, encasing the entire region within an violent dust blizzard, isolated from the rest of the world, at this time it might as well have been its own plane of existence. The sun's deadly glare that bore down upon the vast landscape soon disappeared, unable to penetrate through the earthen layers, it could take no part in the war down below. Even the fire from guns, the screams of combatants or from the dying, and the roar of a fleet of engines did little to match the desert's thunderous bellowing, asserting its dominance over the insects marching atop its mantle. Yet, even the strength of the earth shuddered, as the two monsters collided with one another, the force from their propulsion creating sizable craters where they once stood, an explosion of dirt firing out from beneath their footfall.

Within the blink of an eye, both hulking combatants collided with one another, both with an arm outstretched, each responded with a devastating initial blow, striking the others skull. Yet, as would be expected, neither warrior budged or moved, letting the fist remain in place, displaying their resolve as warriors. Pulling back their first blow, eyeing the other up, moving fast to match the other, the Doomsday performed an aggressive barrage of attacks, pressing forward, eager to get the matter over and done. Mongul reacted with haste, parrying and blocking each individual blow. [Y/N] threw his arm forward, the warlord catching the hand, seizing the advantage, attacked in kind, delivering a blow of his own to the Yowie's chest. No reaction was given, but a blast of wind shattered backward, an earsplitting crunch detonated in its wake, cutting through the air. This was a much more competent opponent than any he had faced before...

With his free hand, [Y/N] grabbed the Mongul's attacking arm, pulling him closer, crashing his skull into his opponent, leveraging his substantial height advantage, his opponent remaining firm. Quick to follow up, bringing his leg up high, he kicked hard and fast, booting him backwards, but the warlord didn't fall or stumble, his heavy feet digging into the sand below. The two held a glare, however, while the Doomsday's dark grimace expressed only disdain for his opponent, the Mongul was grinning, showing the whites of his teeth, "Interesting..." The exchange continued, yet the speed of the movements increased drastically, appearing much faster, with lightning jabs and punches, while the other dodged and blocked or took the blow, before switching roles, relatively evenly matched. Breaking through the monotony, the warlord switched up his attacks, feinting with one arm and ducking low, as if picking something up off the floor, [Y/N] attempting to back off to evade a surprise upper-cut. A thick, metallic pole slammed into his bottom chin, his teeth clattering against one another, confusing the Doomsday, Mongul unfurling the spear he had thrown like a javelin upon arriving.

"I had this weapon crafted specifically to put down upstarts like you!" thrusting forward, the shaft sliced forward, the point penetrating through the Doomsday's marrow armour and even the rocky outer layer. He'd have to be much more careful than usual, not take as many hits, since this opponent could actually dish out damage, gripping the end of the weapon, the two fought for supremacy. When fighting against an opponent with such reach, the most important thing was to get in close, to rid them of any long range advantage, and [Y/N] knew this well, closing the distance. The Mongul attempted to bring the spear back, yet it was held forward, while a meteoric fist rocketed from below. The warlord wouldn't be taken advantage of so easily, bringing his other hand forward to hold the blow, managing to lock the advance in place. With this distraction however, with his focus on the uppercut, the Doomsday leveraged the spear with his other arm, wrenching it away, narrowly managing to claim the weapon. With the weapon in his grasp he knew it wasn't a personal proficiency, the best situation was to simply remove it from the equation entirely, hurling it as far into the distance as he could, "You were saying?" a hint of snark biting through.

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