Chapter 94: Law of War

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(AN: Over 75k read-throughs is crazy to me. I still don't think I'm the greatest writer, but I appreciate the hundred or so of you all who have decided to keep reading. Love to read any thoughts or answer questions as always, and enjoy!)


"[Y/N] told me he had dealt with you years ago, looks like that was an oversight." Reyes said harshly as himself, McCree, Lobo and Rose made their way inside the tower from the roof. Lobo snorted, "Me and the boss are great friends. He cut me some slack and let me skedaddle right outta' there, like nothin' ever happened!" It wasn't unexpected, the mutate had been seen at Malta during the attack. Moreover, reports of a person with incredible strength and durability roaming about South America even after the Doomsday was supposed to have sorted out the problem. Evidently, he hadn't dealt with the issue very well, with Lobo walking right before them with little care in the world. It did raise the question, what else was [Y/N] keeping from them? How many other times had he let rampaging mutates run free? It was a disparaging thought either way, but now wasn't the time.

"With friends like Overwatch enemies don't seem that bad by comparison." Rose remarked, her words filled with venom, marching straight ahead. The assassin didn't usually show many emotions, but her distaste for the organisation wasn't hard to see, especially given their treatment of [Y/N]. Blatant betrayal wasn't something one could forgive or forget so easily, and against a loyal soldier made it all the worse. McCree let out a tired sigh, "We had nothin' to do with all that and you know that, kid." To say that the two Blackwatch agents disagreed with the decision just as much as the Outsiders did would be an understatement, forcefully turning a family member against them.

They continued walking through long, quiet corridors, "I know. Hell, I wouldn't have been able to steal the blueprints without your help, cowboy." Reyes gave McCree a confused stare, to which he shrugged his shoulders, earning an annoyed groan, "Everyone's keeping secrets now?" And through the idle conversation, the Blackwatch commander was growing ever more anxious to get down to business, "Where's [Y/N] then? We don't really have a lot of time to spare..." Lobo giggled to himself, "Oh, desperate are we? Now that's funny!" And once again the men returned to their back-and-forth, "Quiet, you. You're still classed as an international terrorist, if I followed my better judgement you'd already be sleeping in a casket."

In an instant Lobo stopped in his tracks, Reyes nearly walking into the biker's back, before turning to face the commander. "Want to threaten me again, small man?" Lobo leaned down close, leering at Reyes with his disgusting yellow stained teeth, his breath stinking of tobacco and alcohol. "I've killed A LOT of you government dogs, don't think I won't snap you in half like the twig you are!" Reyes didn't back down however, on the contrary, puffing his chest up and holding his ground. He was no ordinary human, an enhanced super-soldier, and to be talked down too annoyed him grievously.

"I've been fighting decades longer than you, kid. I don't think you want to go there with me, but push me, see how far it gets you." McCree and Rose watched on from the side-lines, trading uncomfortable side glances, unsure whether or not to intervene. Fortunately, Lobo's intent wasn't for a fight right now, turning away from Reyes. "I can tell todays already gonna' be a riot!" He said, howling with laughter like there was no tomorrow. "Didn't realise [Y/N] was runnin' a psych ward here." McCree quipped, to which Rose groaned, "Tell me about it." The four soon entered into a large command centre, a lengthy table sat in the middle of the room, chairs sitting ajar underneath. At the back of the room, massive windows covered the wall, showing the city below but also the desert beyond, seemingly endless.

Lobo quickly slammed himself down into a chair, buckling under his weight as he swung his legs atop the table. From his coat pocket he pulled out a cigar, prepared to light it before remembering their new company, holding it outstretched towards McCree, "Smoke?" The cowboy shook his head, turning down the offer, "Got my own." As they funnelled into the room Reyes briefly noticed the silver-haired assassin shooting the surveillance camera's cursory look, before turning away. He remained suspicious but decided against enquiry, standing at the head of the table, Rose sitting nearby while Jesse took interest in the view, scanning the landscape through the window. Apocalyptic was all he could think, the contrast between the modern city and the desolate, barren wasteland was like night and day.

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