Chapter 34: The Sting-Operation

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Gabriel had a stern expression, taking a knee and overlooking the dry and vast desert, through an old pair of binoculars. Large sloping mountains, large amounts of green cacti and shrubbery contrasted by the occasional skull of a large animal, long dead. The immense heat was not necessarily to Reyes' advantage, heat waves preventing any long-distance vision, however, he was close enough to the sting site that he could swoop in at any time. A few bird cries could be heard from above, two vultures circling above Reyes before landing on one of the tall cacti, staring at the Blackwatch Commander. Gabriel let out a huff of air, before saying out loud, "You're not getting me today..." The two large vultures continue to glare at the man.

Another man walked up towards Reyes, attempting to move as slowly as possible, before taking a knee next to Reyes, and looking out at the strike location, waiting for the target to appear. Reyes quickly looked to his left, noticing the man, before returning his gaze back to the central gorge through the binoculars. The man quickly asks Reyes, "We got anything yet?" To which Gabriel sighs, shaking his head and putting the binoculars down, "Not yet [Y/N], but my guy is saying that they are on their way, shouldn't be too long."

[Y/N] nods at Reyes' response, before continuing, "Who are these guys again, Reyes? I've never heard of them, they just seem like some period actors." This comment got a small chuckle out of Reyes, "Well don't let that mistake you, these guys are legit, and have been gunrunning and smuggling weapons across the borders for the last few years." [Y/N] took a moment, "These humans or Omnics?" to which Gabriel quickly responded, "A bit of both, but mostly people." And the conversation died down for a bit.

After a few more moments of looking over the ravines, Reyes sighed again, before continuing, "Some young guns here too, some of them are about your age, some good skills gone to waste is how I see it." Reyes said, a smirk growing on his face as he looked at [Y/N], to which [Y/N] let out a small laugh, "You're comparing me to some common thugs? Now that 's the Reyes humour I've heard all about." The two shared a laugh. "What did I say? These guys aren't common thugs, they've only been active for a short amount of time, but their leader, Elizabeth, something or other, is a real ambitious kid. They had a short gang war with the other local gun-runners, before she herself settled the dispute, now they revere her, the next criminal prodigy."

"Tough luck we had to end it all here then, ey?" [Y/N] responded, with both men returning back to their observatory position. [Y/N] didn't seem much affected by the heat, a product of the evolutionary testing done on him many years ago, preventing any sort of temperature from affecting him physically or mentally. As the time went by [Y/N] was busy spotting each of the soldiers they had planted along the ridge lines, a sniper here, a demolition expert there, he had to give credit, this sting operation was thoroughly planned out, something he had to commend Reyes and Blackwatch for. Furthermore, the Blackwatch soldiers gave him less shit for his alternative form, [Y/N] saw it simply as they respected or feared his strength but enjoyed it more nonetheless.

The two waited, twenty to thirty minutes, simply observing, waiting for any sign of movement. As the two had fallen into a sort of daze, a quick buzzing from Reyes' radio quickly snapped them out of their stupor, with Reyes quickly responding, "Reyes here, what's your status?" To which the caller replied, "Target inbound, multiple large vehicles heading this way, maybe twenty to thirty guys, not sure yet. No sign of their leader yet, will give further updates." Reyes ended the call before looking at [Y/N], "Looks like it's showtime." Grabbing [Y/N]'s shoulder, and pulling them towards a more strategic location, ready for an offensive.

[Y/N] looked out over the gorge before moving, he quickly had a thought, "This isn't going to be as clean as we expect, something ain't right..." Before following Reyes.


McCree looked out of the window to his left, leaning on the side of the vehicle, with an anxious expression, he was concerned, and he wasn't sure why... He had been with the Deadlock Gang for a few years now, been by Ashe's side, fought side-by-side with each of the members, and they had always come out on top, but something wasn't right about this situation. Something about the abrupt nature of the deal didn't give Jesse a good feeling, and the fact that Ashe had brought the whole gang suggested to him that she also thought something was off.

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