Chapter 100: Biohazard Part. 4

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[Outskirts of Wichita, Evacuation Zone]

A great many crashes and explosions roared out loudly from amidst the distant city centre. Towers collapsing and falling to the street below, smoke and fire filling the sky line above, obfuscating the arena, now dark and murky. Chemo's thunderous footsteps echoed like artillery fire with every stomp. Everyone stopped to look, a mix of amazement and terror on their faces. They were witness to an event not many would ever hold privy too, a clash of titans. Even from their distance away, the momentum of the battle could be felt by each and every individual to their very core. Hair raised on every arm and riddled with goosebumps. It was something that human minds weren't meant to comprehend. A force too great and powerful against an equally fearsome threat, like real gods duelling to the death. Any moment it felt as if the very earth would crack and splinter, and fire and thunder would rain down from the heavens in some biblical display of nature.

However, to one woman hovering above the crowd, she held a uniquely personal reaction, her face a mix between horror and concern. To her waist side, her hand twitched subconsciously, knowing there was little to nothing she could do to help. Just as she had felt all those years ago, in her childhood. Or even a few years earlier, whether it be New Mombasa, or Pretoria, or at Malta. She felt useless, unable to help, essentially a non factor. It was why she trained and studied to be a doctor for so long, so she could do something, make a change, intervene so that others wouldn't have to suffer the way she had. To protect those she loved above all else from facing a solemn end. A scene she wished never to have to ever experience again.

And yet, once again, she had been confronted with the humility of man in the face of such monstrous beings. What was a mere human to do when mountains themselves crashed and collided and fought against one another?

"[Y-[Y/N]?!" Angela struggled to say, clutching her hands tightly together, close to her chest. What was he doing here?! Where had he come from?! The last she had heard he was hiding off the coast of Australia, and that was all. That irradiated hellscape crawling with barbarian cannibals. Now he was in the middle of the continental United States?! And that wasn't even bringing up the enemy he was facing down, two of the strongest monsters Overwatch had ever had to fight against in its entire existence. Perhaps an even greater threat than the combined Omnic forces during the Crisis a decade earlier.

Then it came to her, a spark of realisation. They must have wrung him back into the fold, breaking his tenure on the island continent, knowing that there wasn't any other way this catastrophe would end without his participation. Her face hardened. She knew his terrifying strength better than anyone, if anyone was going to beat them it would have to be [Y/N]. That didn't mean his victory was assured, however, far from it. And if they got stronger through physical contact then they were essentially resigning him to death.

They were just using him again, like they did before he left all those months ago! Did they not learn the first time how he would react?! When he tore up an entire military installation over a person he hadn't spoken to in a decade?! Angela certainly had some choice words for Morrison, and Reyes too after all of this was over. She wouldn't have been surprised if Ana had known about it too given her status within the organisation.

For now at least she simply had to wait, and help as many people as she could, that was her job. Sit by and watch was the most one could muster, and even that was a challenge considering the awesome potential of such displays. Nobody fled, nobody turned heel any longer. There wasn't much point now. No, now their attention was fully on the conflict taking place in their home city. It was the Doomsday, the one they had all heard about from the news, the terrorist mass murderer who had killed hundreds of UN and Overwatch men and women earlier that very same year.

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