Chapter 55: Rematch

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"We anticipate a continued 10% decline in profits for the next few months, public opinion isn't improving much either, but fortunately some of the spooked investors have been convinced to stay with Lex Corp, so it's not a complete disaster." Mercy Graves sat at the head of a tall modern table, long and housing up to twenty people, though at this moment she would have preferred to have been anywhere else. The recently promoted CEO of Lex Corp sat strict and formal, attempting to be attentive towards the men and women before her, but she wasn't really made for this role. Graves understood why she was put in this position, Luthor trusted her, or trusted her slightly more than anyone else, which wasn't much, he must have assumed this would be a safe move while moving out of the limelight for the time being.

Perhaps in a few months to a year, after public discussion had died down and the lawsuit pushed to the back of the cultural zeitgeist, he could make his grand return to the company, as if nothing had happened. Graves could perfectly remember the moment in which document after document, leaked images and so on had been released, the anger Luthor put on display matched nothing the woman had seen before. Luthor had played the game of life in charge and control, nothing had ever beaten or beat him until now, and he hated being put on the backfoot. Rather, now Luthor could spend all his time on his own personal projects now out of the scrutinising glare of the public, and he certainly held a grudge indefinitely.

"Well that should conclude our meeting, hopefully our donations will earn us some goodwill, but don't get any hopes up. I anticipate a rough few months but we will survive." One of the higher executives announced with a brassy tone, soon the room emptied as the upper-echelons returned to their plush and comfy jobs. Graves remained seated, waiting for the room to be vacant, wiping her face deeply, followed by a deep sigh "Why did I get left with this job, always cleaning up his messes..." Graves promptly collected her folder and coat, quickly leaving the cold room, passing through corridor after corridor until face to face with a large set of double-doors made of fine oak. The lobby room was quite spacious, the receptionist busy at work not noticing the new arrival, "Ah, Mrs Graves, apologies I didn't hear your footsteps!" laughing anxiously to herself. Graves kept looking forward, "I'll be busy for the next hour, handle any calls until notified." as she made her way inside the executive office.

The room hadn't changed all that much since Luthor's departure besides the gold-plated plaque that now read her name, bookshelves filled to the brim hugged the walls and a giant window towards the backend of the room basked the room in sunlight. Graves dropped her business folder upon the large desk, tugging on her large coat, and began eyeing the bookshelf, so many choices. Graves looked upon each row until the correct book became apparent to her, an older brick similar to an ancient tome, its spine showing decades of wear and tear, Dr. Faustus inscribed in fine calligraphy. Graves stared at the text for a moment, pressing her fingertips upon the backend of the book, forcefully pulling it towards her before meeting resistance. On cue the large wall standing bookshelves shook slightly as the middle stack disappeared backwards, a vast white hallway appearing in its place "How cliché" Graves said aloud.

The hidden sector of the building was metallic and cold, a stark contrast to the richly decorated visage seen throughout the LexCorp tower, labs and labs built aside and on top of each other filled the rooms, yet many lay vacant in recent years. Graves had come to the conclusion that Luthor had become more paranoid and or conceited, what would these two-bit amateur garage engineers know about science? Only a select few yes-man remained, but any new innovations came directly from Luthor himself. Deeper and deeper into the facility Graves soon arrived at the lounge as she had many times before, its plush furniture usually housing the head man himself left unattended to, an unopened bottle of wine left behind, it seems celebrations didn't take.

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