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(AN: I was going to have this chapter just be one chapter but then I was only halfway through and the story was already at 4k words, so I'll be finishing the chapter in the next few days, hope you all enjoy it. I would like to know whether or not people would like to read shorter or longer chapters, for me a shorter chapter is around 4k words while a larger chapter is more like 6k to 8k, or do people not care, so if anyone wanted to give any input on that I would be very grateful, thanks.)


[Three days prior in an unmarked Blackwatch owned facility]

Reyes stood at the back of the large meeting room, decorated with his habitual stern expression, the Blackwatch leader rarely alternating from this formal appearance. However, his two proteges could tell something was different, they had known the man for long enough, and even the slightest deviation or change in facial shape could tell them a lot, though what exactly was still unknown. While [Y/N] and McCree sat opposite their commander, separated by a long metallic desk, many other men and women lined the room, each battle-hardened and ready for the next fight, [Y/N] always felt at least slightly at home among his Blackwatch peers. Another figure strutted over next to Reyes, his seemingly plain appearance confusing some attendees, yet he carried an unspoken charm and personable-ness with him. [Y/N] hadn't known the man for very long but understood his name to be Gerard Lacroix, one of Overwatch's most useful spies and a skilled combatant, and a level of respect between Gerard and Reyes appeared obvious.

While the room was mostly made up of Blackwatch commanders, this was supposedly a joint operation between both Overwatch and Blackwatch, with each taking part in this massive offensive against organised crime and terrorism worldwide. [Y/N] hadn't been filled in much, as had anyone really, but the sheer scale of the joint-offensive seemed immense, yet the two men held their composure, realistically they had been through far worse. It would take great efforts to upset either man from their regular carefree or stoic personalities.

Reyes began waving his hand across the diagram, honing in on certain areas with pin-point accuracy, making sure there were no mistakes or obscured meanings. "Alright Blackwatch, this will be our largest operation since the end of the Omnic Crisis, if we win, we have a good shot of knocking out a whole roster of international crime organisations in one fell swoop" Reyes said, burying his right hand into the palm of his left. McCree audibly scoffed at Reyes' comment but was soon hushed with a mean side-eye from [Y/N].

"In collaboration with the main force from Overwatch, we will be launching multiple offensives across many different fronts." Reyes said. Lacroix stepped up towards the holographic display confidently, one hand strongly held behind his back, the other outstretched towards the display, "With Overwatch's vast pool of resources, that will enable the main strike-force to attack many officially designated terrorist hide-outs and facilities across every continent, human or omnic." Lacroix said, [Y/N] taking note of his distinct French accent.

Reyes intervened, "But the boys in blue can't ruffle too many feathers, they have to play by the book." Reyes said, "That's where we come in. Some of these 'black-sites' are owned by private interests who we, on good authority, believe to be in collaboration with terrorist groups. We haven't been able to gain official jurisdiction over the matter, so we are going to have to hit hard and fast, and all at once, before we get caught out, understood?" Reyes finished.

The Blackwatch commander was greeted with many solemn nods from the crowd, all understanding their role within the organisation, they had performed tasks of this nature before, this wouldn't be any different. Reyes nodded back in affirmation, "Okay soldiers, you all have your assigned tasks, individual briefings will be given out independently and closer to the mission point." Reyes said, as bundles of paper's had begun to be handed out to individual squad leaders, "Understand your operation to a T, got it!" Reyes roared out the last part getting a motivational return from his soldiers.

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