Chapter 16: Dictator, Despot and the 'Doomsday'

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Bolting up from my bed, I looked around anxiously. It wasn't long however until I realised that it was simply my new sleeping quarters. My breathing slowed down to a more reasonable speed. Rubbing my tired eyes, pushing myself free from the cover, I couldn't help but think back to my sleep. "Haven't had a dream like that in a while. Weird."

Over the last few months there had been big changes in the facility. It had been somewhat hard, ironically, for the subject engineered to be great at adapting to situations, to relax in the shifting tensions of the facility. I had gotten a much nicer room, to the dismay, or at least what I would imagine dismay, from the other candidates, I'm not really sure since I haven't interacted with them much, so not much had changed in that department.

This room, while small, allowed me some privacy, apart from the camera that they poorly attempted to hide in the top corners of the room. There was a bookshelf, to house all the various books that I have consumed over the last year and a half. And a desk, so I could write notes or any other things that one may want to do at a desk, a very exciting addition, I thought sarcastically. At least I have my own wetroom now, and while not very large, did allow me some sense of personal space.

But, while all these pleasantries may have seemed appealing, well appealing when contrasted with the standard of living I had been used to before, it was obvious that they are trying to stay in my good graces. Over the last few months there had been a change in the facility. The candidates had become far more vocal in their opposition, largely fractious and quarrelsome with the staff and prone to fits of anger. I had already heard of multiple instances of fighting breaking out between the test subjects and the guard personnel. Let's just say the guards have always come out of these skirmishes worse off, it's only a matter of time until someone gets killed.

Either way, I had been able to benefit much from factionalism. The administration knew that to acquire any further research without the risk of a fight breaking out, or death, then they would have had to use me. With this newfound influence, I could flex my muscles slightly more than I would have been able to previously. A good example is that I got more information than any normal subject, but also always the first chosen for any important but confidential tests.

This was obvious when they started testing their new weapon, Kryptonite, on me. It was the most painful experience I could remember, and that spoke volumes considering the many experiments. I don't know what was in those rocks but whatever it is, I'll have to stay as far away as possible. With multiple testing, the general effect of the kryptonite seems to have lessened perhaps? My main power is the ability to adapt to the most dangerous of situations and come out the other end stronger, so it's not the craziest explanation.

Our resident Dictator seems to be seeing the negative effects of the kryptonite already, when exposed to base humans for too long and in too large a quantity. It appeared so bad that he wouldn't leave his room now, only allowing select scientists, Slade and myself to see him.

When I was requested to discuss the potential of the 'Doomsday' form, as well as the progress of the kryptonite, he had certainly seen better days. Where years earlier he had been average? Looking like a man in his late forties or fifties, he now looked like a withering skeleton, with a grey hue to his skin. One of the most creepy aspects of his regression was that the skin around his eyes seems to have deteriorated, leading to him taking on a more bug eyed appearance. To say that when he stared at you, to feel uncomfortable was an understatement.

However, he seemed to want to further our connection when he spoke. I was under no illusion that he merely wanted to use me for my power and abilities, but his attempts, while completely unsuccessful, are somewhat amusing.

When we spoke, he tried to get across the idea that, together, we could send waves throughout the scientific community and further beyond. I assume saying all this with the notion that the government would be sidelined in this act. Well, unfortunately for him, while I hold no love for this government, I also share no love for him either. Rather, I would say that I hold a deep and great hatred towards the man, he will be one of the first to go, I'll be sure of it.

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