Chapter 18: Revolt Part. 2

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[Y/N] was sitting at his desk, the faint light from his desk lamp shining upon a new book that he had started reading today. The book itself was a historical non-fiction talking about the climate during the twentieth century. As he traversed page after page it was hard not to compare the chaos and carnage that was brought about only one hundred years ago. Across the globe, with technology that would today have been considered defunct, when compared to the least of our modern inventions. Mobile devices could have changed the entire face of a global conflict a century prior. When you considered the advances in mechanics, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering. A modern war would have had much harsher ramifications than the past Global conflicts in history.

While they didn't get too much information on the outside world, [Y/N] had a general understanding on how the current crisis was affecting the world. Large, mechanical, behemoths who could destroy building complexes in a single step. They were fought by a coalition of nations from around the world, exhibiting a mix of mechanical prowess, genetic enhancement and peerless combat knowledge. There truly was no other way to describe it other than chaotic.

[Y/N] also thought about the idea that, had the experiment gone ahead at a faster rate, then he himself probably would have been sent out onto the front lines by this point. Having fought side by side with veterans of the conflict. And while he was confident in his combat ability and progress made over the last year, he did feel conflicted. Would he be ready right now to face an onslaught of hordes of never ending robots?

He would have to be ready, because if he wasn't, then the Omnics would take all he held dear, and he wouldn't allow the monsters to take the little he had left away from him ever again.

[Y/N] took a quick look at the clock in his room, it read seven o'clock. It would seem that this supposed 'revolution' was a ploy all along, and he was thankful that he hadn't fallen for their cheap tricks. He was slightly worried however, as he had been told earlier by Paul, during breakfast, that tonight many of the scientists and doctors would be gathering together to celebrate the birthday of one of their coworkers.

While [Y/N] couldn't care less about what would happen to any of the scientists or doctors, by all accounts they had it coming from his perspective. He was definitely anxious and fearful that something could happen to Paul.

But it all seemed calm enough.

All of a sudden, [Y/N] heard a relatively distant explosion, a gunshot maybe? At first, he believed it to be a figment of his own imagination. That was until the crack of gunfire continued repeatedly and louder, only a few hallways away.

This forced [Y/N] up into a standing position instantly, what was going on? Wait... No, no, no... They hadn't actually gone and done it had they?!

[Y/N] was conflicted, he wasn't necessarily sure what to do, but his contemplation was cut short by a sharp and loud blaring alarm that reverberated throughout the facility. The lights dimmed and a red hue tinted the room. However, his vision wasn't hampered greatly due to his enhancements.

The speaker in his room immediately crackled into life, it was Slade, "[Y/N],you better not have joined these upstarts. If you are still with us, I need your assistance, it seems that a full on revolt has broken out, attempt to contact me as soon as possible. Good luck." He ended, with the rest of the audio fizzing and crackling as the radio broke up. Fighting and gunshots being the only thing heard from the other side of the radio.

[Y/N] contemplated his next moves, should he go straight to Slade, or should he go to Paul. He didn't have much time at all to think. It didn't matter though, he knew immediately where to go, straight to Paul. Quickly leaving his room, he began his transformation into his 'Doomsday' form.

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