Chapter 60: Doomed Part. 1

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(AN: I Was looking through some of the time jumps in between story arcs, since I was talking about how rushed the beginning-mid section felt; between 'Capture' and 'Metallo' (twenty chapters), around six years went by, in contrast, between 'Unfolding Events' to 'Doomed' (fourteen chapters), it's been around six months, so it's definitely slowed down a lot, which feels much better. This chapter was going to be one longer chapter but it was going on for 10k words, so I've decided to split it in two, so enjoy.)


"What?!" Rose and Ray exclaimed in unison, both confused that [Y/N] seemed to be going along with the insane plan, Lobo began nodding his head rapidly, a thick grin beaming out across the table, "See, the big man gets it!" The Doomsday looked at each individual, his face stern. [Y/N] turned to the diagram, flipping through the building blueprints, before pointing to the narrow land bridge leading towards the facility's entrance. "We need to cause a distraction here, create an explosion, draw their attention, get people moving in the facility, they will be entrenched waiting for us, we need to get them out before we move." [Y/N] began, a hand stroking the bottom of his chin as he described the plan. "Me and Lobo need to get inside the building, so that's up to you three." pointing at Rose and Ray, "Yay, Bizarro am useful!" the weakened clone mumbled in the corner.

"After that, Lobo and I will fly the Jet into the tower." pointing at the top of the building, "With everyone moving about, this should serve as a shock to the line of command, and paralyse the guards for a few minutes, enough for us to make it down to the Goblin." Next, [Y/N] span the diagram round again, zooming in on a landing strip a small distance away from the fortress. "After you all get the distraction ready, you need to get another Orca, and get ready for exfiltration, we should only be twenty minutes at most." Ray looked concerned but Rose didn't show much fear, "It's a plan I suppose..." [Y/N] turned to the girl, "You have Bizarro, nothing bad will happen, we have the hard job here." Adjacent to himself , Lobo was cracking his knuckles together.

"So we land near the base, you drop us three off, we make some noise at the gates, retreat, you guys kamikaze into the building, we get another jet, and we meet up with the hostage?" Ray explained, laying the whole plan out bare. "Sounds about right." [Y/N] responded, turning the holographic display off, "By the time we are done with the place it will be collapsing in on itself, and we'll be gone, scotfree." Ray let out an exasperated sigh, turning back towards the cockpit, Lobo returned to his chair, "Wake me up when we get there." he said, falling into a loud sleep. [Y/N] turned towards the assassin, "Get ready, we need to be ready to strike as soon as, understood?" Rose nodded her head, her face stoic, moving away before a tight grip fell upon her shoulder, keeping her in place, slightly startled, she was surprised to see an unusual expression from the Doomsday. "You did good kid, and got more than I expected. If I didn't know any better, you won't be needing me for protection any more, but try not to get into any fighting this time, you still need to adjust to your new situation, you know." [Y/N] finished, flashing a small smirk, Rose reciprocated, giving an appreciative smile in return, turning towards the corner of the ship.

Suddenly, surprising the pair, Lobo awoke from his midday napping, exasperated, he had had a revelation, "WE NEED A TEAM NAME! EVERY GOOD TERRORIST GROUP HAS A CATCHY NAME!" [Y/N] massaged his temple, "I must reiterate, we are NOT a terrorist group, we are performing a rescue mission." he answered, but then continued in a more hushed voice, "and then we will see from there..." Rose also didn't seem as enthused about the idea, seeing it as childish, but Lobo continued, "We are 100% terrorists at this point. Now, how about the Outlaws?" [Y/N] held a deadpan, "That's stupid." The biker looked offended but went along, holding his hands out defensively, "Okay, okay I agree, to cliché." assuming the position of the thinker, deep in concentration, seemingly more so then he ever had been before, snapping his fingers loudly, "The Justice League!"

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