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I long for the day that I can be me. No worry about being a villain and pretending to be someone I'm not. The day that I can go to my family home without any fear of being turned away. Maybe the chance to become a hero like I wanted to be when I was a kid.

But today is not the day "Toga Himiko! How many fucking times have I told you not to bring bodies here?!" I practically yell at the blonde as she tries to bring a dead body into the house that serves as our HQ, my voice not sounding like my own, "We are blocks away from UA. I don't want to have to move because of a corpse." I cross my arms, blocking her way to the basement. "But Ty-chan," she whines "he's so cute~ I just had to so that I can have all of his yummy blood~♡!"

"Could've done it there and left him." I swear I feel like a mother even though she is older. "You heard the woman, brat." Dabi, the leader of our villain group says from the couch "You know she'll take care of the body herself."

"Can I get the blood first? Please!" Toga gives a pleading look. I sigh before pulling out my phone to set an alarm. "You have ten minutes to get the blood out and till dawn to get the body out." It's early evening so it would be a huge risk for her to take the body out back out while it's still somewhat light out.

"Thank you Ty-chan!" she grins as I move out of the way.

"Still don't see why you choose here of all places." Dabi says "You said it yourself, we're only blocks away from the top hero school in all of Japan."

"It was slightly cheaper with the risks of other villains trying to attack and it's right under their noses." I state, sitting down next to him as the man changes the channel from a news speel about Hawks to one about Endeavor, only for Dabi to scoff and go back to Hawks. "Still a stupid spot." quilt says.

"Only because you don't know how to use your head, dipshit." I state.

"I do fucking to! I just don't need to."

"Which is why you are a dumbass." I sigh, trying to watch the news. I want to say something about him being a middle school drop-out unlike the rest of us, but I'm not supposed to know that.

"Shouldn't you be finishing getting your stuff ready for school?" Big Sis Magne says, walking into the house, without a dead body thankfully. "I am ready," I reply, "I just need tomorrow to come." Yup, villain and, come tomorrow, high schooler.

"Don't see why." Moonfish says "School is stupid."

"And Dabi is stupider. I'll take my chances." I replied. Only to anger the fire user "Fuck you bitch!"

"Well it's all done." Mr. Compress says "If her majesty wants to finish her education then so be it. We should support her in this endeavor."

To-Dabi scoffs at the word before getting up. Honestly, Dabi was the one that encouraged me to go to high school, despite myself not even finishing elementary school and foregoing middle school. But I passed the written exam, so I guess it didn't matter whether I did or not.

"Now," Compress looks at me directly "eat your dinner then straight to bed. We want you to be well rested for the first day of school."

"But it's only six!" I complain, school doesn't start until seven tomorrow and it's walking distance so I don't have to worry about a commute, just getting ready without anyone knowing the school I enrolled myself in.

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