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"So, what are we doing today?" I ask my father once I'm dressed in my costume and in my father's office.

"How much training have you done with your quirk?" he asks me.

"Complicated." I answer, he raises an eyebrow as I explain, "If you're talking about the big show shit that you've trained Shoto and Toya on, then only this past summer. But I can do more convert things like keeping a comfortable temperature during the summer and winter, cooking with a cast iron, maneuvering quickly on ice and basic first-aid."

"I see." Dad stands up, "Follow me."

I do as I am told, he leads me out of the office and into the elevator. We get off at the dojo that is empty, "With me training your brothers, I knew where they were at during their internship, at least for the most part with Toya." Dad says, leading me to the center of the room, "But since the only real testament of your skill level was the Sports Festival, but as you stated, you weren't aiming for first so you didn't put in as much effort in it. So, we're going to see where you're at." he steps into the circle that was painted on the floor, "The rules will be the same as your brackets: first one to step out of the circle or admit defeats loses." Dad turns to face me "Any question?"

I give a smirk, "No sir." I step into the circle, it's a pretty large space but smaller than what they did at the Festival, bigger than needed for me.

Without a countdown, Dad sends a blast of fire at me, that I rolled under towards him. "Is that all you're going to do?" I smirk, making an ice sword. First time since- No. Don't think about it, focus on the task.

I run towards Endeavor, readying my sword to take off his head. Not actually cut it off. Dad, unfortunately, melts the sword, so I pull out a metal one from one of my shirt pockets, not a big sword, just a Wakizshi. I quickly maneuver behind him, kicking him in the knees hard enough to cause him to buckle a little. Low enough for me to pull him to his knees and I grab his right hand, putting the dull side of the blade to his throat. Still in the circle.

"What's your next move, Endeavor?" I ask him.

a BlAdE tO hIs ThRoAt. Fucking shit, not now.

"Azula." Dad brings me back to the real world, "You can let go."

"Right, sorry." I let him go, putting the sword away. I take a deep breath; This is different, it's just training.

Dad creases his eyebrows but doesn't say anything about it "I have to say, you surprised me with the actual sword."

"Where's the fun if you're predictable." I shrug.

"Fair enough." He puts a hand on my head, "I'm proud of you."

I give a smile, "Thanks Dad."

"Awww." Hawks is standing at the door, "Father-daughter Bonding."

"And you fucking ruined the moment." I huff as Dad asks Keigo why he's here.

"Because why not." the bird shrugs, Dad pinches the bridge of his nose before telling me we're going on patro. Not like Hawks will be joining us given it's his day off and he's in street clothes.

"Not wanting to entertain him?" I ask as we walk.

"You don't know how many times he has talked about your brother, not naming him specifically, but almost every detail. I'm just lucky he didn't go into the more intimate stuff." Dad groans, "Usually on his days off, and I don't care. But now I know."

"You can't sit through it especially if he lets things slip from the bedroom." I remark.


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