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-Days later-

"Is there a reason why you wanted to hang out with me?" Hawks asks, driving us somewhere, "Not hating or anything, just wondering why."

"Is 'just because' a good reason?" I ask in return with a half smile.

"Yes, technically, but I know there is an actual reason."

I give a bit of a huff "Well, Shinso is busy, Toya and Shoto are at that camp thing. While I could hang out with Mags and them, they're at the bar-hideout thing with the League and what's the point of hanging out there, as a villainess, when Kurogiri won't let me have tequila just because I am under age."

"All very fair reason, so no hanging out with Endeavor or your other siblings that still think you're dead?"

"Don't have their numbers. Plus they're probably busy." I lean back in my seat.

There's silence for a couple streets, so I decide to break it "Sooo, when's the baby due?"

Causing Keigo to slam on his brakes, though the car in front of us did it first so.

"Sorry 'bout that. Um, did Toya tell you?" he asks, kinda hesitant to answer.

"No, I heard you two talking the night after the USJ attack and him not wanting to baby-trap me." I shrug.

"Well, to be honest, we don't know." Keigo sighs "It's been kinda hard to find someone that'll see us to begin with, nevertheless not tell the media."

I creased my eyebrows "Don't you have a surrogate?"

"Well, we were planning to ask Fuyumi to but" he taps his thumbs above the horn "as it turned out, we didn't need to have a surrogate."

"You can lay eggs?"

"No, at least I don't think so. As it turns out, Toya has a working uterus."

There's a pause before I snort "So he actually takes it and that wasn't just a joke."

"Hey, he was the one that brought it into the convo." my brother-in-law shrugs "he should've known I'd bring it right back to him."

I give a laugh, smiling widely "He should've known better since he lives with ya."

"Exactly, hold on a second, is that who I think it is?" Keigo gestures to a taller than most man with short red hair that is looking at his phone, crossing the street right in front of us is none other than Endeavor himself.

"Wonder if he needs a ride." Keigo remarks, rolling down his window a bit and letting a feather fly out.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Getting his attention without honking my horn." Keigo drives around the corner, pulling over with Dad following the feather, looking very annoyed. "What do you want?" he asks his son-in-law a little harshly and still with that annoyed look before it changes upon seeing me.

"Wondering if you want a ride." Keigo says cheerfully.

Dad looks between the two of us before answering "Fine." opening the rear door and getting in.

The car is quiet, I mean I don't know that to talk about. Not that it matters, I just look out the window.

"So where ya heading?" Keigo asks.

"Back to the estate." Dad replies.

"Cell kicked ya out again?"

"Doesn't matter."

Keigo starts laughing a bit "So she did. How many days has it been since you took a day off?"

"Doesn't matter."

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