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The morning goes by kinda slow with orientation, I barely paid attention as I looked around for someone.

Did he not get in and went to a different school? "You good Azula?"

"Fucking Ozai!" I jumped, I didn't even notice Shinso was next to me "Didn't see you there." I really let my guard down. "You're looking for someone?" Shinso asks.

"Just a childhood friend." I mean, it's true, just not the full truth. "Shit!" I accidentally ran into someone.

"Are you alright?" a semi familiar voice asks. "Yeah." Why the fuck is my guard down? I look up to see a pair of heterochromatic eyes, that's why.

"Sorry about that." I rub the back of my neck, "I should've been paying more attention."

"You okay Sho?" a definitely familiar voice asks behind the guy I ran into. A man the same height as me with blazing red hair and brilliant blue eyes that matches his younger brother's left one.

"Bye!" I quickly leave the area What the fuck is he doing here?! Thank Aang I have prepared for this, for the most part.

"You good Azula?" Shinso asks, catching up to me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I reply to him before letting out a sigh. "Today really threw me off."

"So you don't normally stare off into space and run into people?" he asks, I give a really look "Clearly."

"Well I'm impressed that there are two Todorokis in the Hero Course. Didn't know Endeavor even had twins."

"Those two aren't twins." I say without thinking much about it. The fellow insomniac looks at me weirdly "How would you know that?"

"Oh uh-" how the hell do I explain without sounding weird or giving away my secret "It's complicated." I answer.

"If you say so."

"So how was school?" Big Sis Mags asks as I walk through the door. Seriously? Can't I put my stuff down? "It was alright. Just orientation."

"Hey Ty!" Dabi calls, I did walk around a bit to make it seem like I'm going to not UA, "Can I talk with ya for a sec?"

"Sure." I take my shoes off before following him upstairs to my office, school bag in tow. "What's up?" I ask, growing suspicious as he shuts and locks the door behind him.

The man lets out a breath before "What would you do, or say, if I decided to stop being a villain?"

For crying out loud Dabi "I wouldn't give two shits." I answer, sitting down behind my desk "You'd still have a place here, even if you became a villain." Don't see why he is asking, he's an adult, he can make his own decisions.

"Really?" Dabi asks in disbelief. "Dabi," round two of really look "we all hit rock bottom causing everyone in this group to become villains. All of us deserve better, so if you are ending your con career for a better life, then fucking do it."

"Geez," he rubs the back of his neck "didn't need a Mom speech."

"Oh fuck off." I eye roll.

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