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"Now then, let's move on to the award ceremony!" Midnight smiles, myself on the podium next to a very angry and chained up victor. "Time to confer the metals!! And the one who'll present the metals this year is none other than-"

"It is I!! And I am Here with metals!!"

"Our hero All Might!!"

Geez no coordination?

"Young Azula," All Might says, my head slightly bowed to receive the metal "you were definitely unexpected. Safe to say that you showed everyone that talent can be found anywhere."

"Thank you s-" I start only to be interrupted with him giving me a hug? What the fuck? Okay I guess?

I can think of three of four people trying not to laugh their asses off, actually, two probably are.

"Young Todoroki, congratulations." All Might puts the metal on my twin "You must've had your reasons for suppressing your left side during the final match right?"

Imoto, I know he asked but, you don't need to go into a bit of a monologue about it. But you do you I guess. "Your expression is completely different from before." All Might remarks, hugging my twin "I won't pry any deeper. But I know that now, you can come to a reckoning without a doubt." Now for our winner that would've been fun to go against him, maybe knock that ego down a little.

"Now," Inva says, once we're back in our seats after that ordeal "you all get the next two days off to rest up. When you come back, we're gonna hit the ground running. Class dismissed." I pack up my bag as I get a text from an unknown number telling me to meet them behind the school.

"Hey Azula, where are you going?" Shinso asks as I head off towards the back.

"To meet up with an unknown number." I shrug, what could go wrong?

"Hey." I wave to my tin who is being all macho by leaning against the wall.

"How-" he starts "we all thought the fire killed you."

"Toya was in the shop next door." the reason why I haven't lived with the majority of my family since we were almost five. There was a mall fire while I was getting my birthday gift for Shoto. I don't know where Dad was at the time.

"Toya knew you were alive and didn't tell us." Shoto states.

"He didn't know where I was for a good while." I admit, leaning against the wall next to my twin "I more or less pulled a him when I was ten. He didn't know until after the USJ attack."

"Seriously? How did he find out?"

"Well 'parently since I'm not in the Hero Course my parents don't expect me to get attacked and since I pissed Crusty off and got hurt Toya had to be called before I could go home." I give a bit of an eye roll "He thought you were pulling a prank on him."

Shoto laughs, "I'm not that mean."

"That's what I told him!"

We stood in silence for a few minutes before "Want to visit Mom with me tomorrow?" Shoto asks.

"I want to but, I don't think I should." I rub my upper arms a little.

"Are you sure?"

I give my twin a nod "Yeah, I got some things I need to straighten out on my end first. Besides, I made a deal with one of my friends that if I get into the Hero Course then I gotta see her."

"Okay." he gives me a tight hug "Love you Sis."

"Love you too Shoto." I squeeze him back.

"I better go before Fuyumi starts blowing up my phone." Shoto sighs "But I'll text you later."

"Okay." I smile

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