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Well, you’ve done it now Azula. The person that you’ve known for the longest probably thinks you’re a monster or some shit. I tell myself sitting in the fetal position on one of the steps in the large bath. Damnit, I knew something like that might happen.

"Hey! I put your clothes on the bench!" Fuyumi calls.

“Okay, thank you!” I call back before trying to relax a bit. 

I’ll probably leave early in the morning before anyone wakes up, just so that I don’t burden them longer than needed and I won’t have to worry about hiding my scar from Toya mainly. He’d definitely connect me as Ty Lee then, even though he has never seen it in general, he knows it most likely exists. 

“Hey Azula?” Shoto calls in “I’m coming in to shower, okay?”

“Alright.” The shower is in its own walled off section so it’s not like we’ll see the other nude. Besides, we’re twins, we shared the womb and we used to share a room before all this mess.

The room goes quiet aside from the shower. I should probably get out and head to beed. I get out of the bath, wrapping the towel around myself as I go over to where Fuyumi placed my clothes, using my quirk to dry my hair as I walk to save time. Shit, I forgot to get a wrap for my leg. I open my mouth to ask Shoto, but I close it No, I’ve probably already bothered him enough. I get dressed, shoving the beanie in my pocket since my room is just a few meters from the bathroom, the others are most likely talking in the living room or something. I can worry about my leg later, it won’t hurt if it’s unwrapped for the night. But did Fuyumi have to get me shorts? Oh well, not like I’m staying up much later or interacting with anyone if I can help it.

I grab my dirty pants and leave the bathroom, walking down the hall to put my stuff down before going to get a drink of water, managing to sneak past my older siblings as they laugh about something.

tHeY’rE hApPy WiThOuT yOu. I bite the inside of my cheek as I grab a glass and going over to the sink.

“Shoto.” Shit

“What is it, Father?” I ask, changing my voice to sound like my twin. I didn’t think he would be here.

“I would like to speak with you in my office.” Endeavor requests; I turn off the tap before following my father to his office, water in hand.

I sit down in front of my father’s desk, drinking some of my water as he sits down behind it. He looks like he’s mentally debating something; doesn’t matter to me as long as I can leave soon and not get caught by the others.

“Azula, I know it’s you.”

Well good thing I already swallowed my water. “Don’t know what you mean, Father.” I state, keep it cool. I can play it off that I’m Shoto, I’ve done it dozens of times when we were little.

My father raises an eyebrow “Azula, Shoto doesn’t have a knife wound on his leg nor does he have an undercut pixie.” 

Fuck “Fine you caught me.” I shrug in my normal voice “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“How did you get out of the fire?” Dad asks solemnly “When I ran in, I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

He was there? He looked for me in that fire? “Toya was in the mall and carried me out.” I state; that fire when I was almost five is something I can never forget no matter how much I try.

“I see.” 

“Why did you even leave the mall in the first place?” I ask him a little stiff. I need to know.

My father sighs as he opens a drawer “Getting the final touches for yours and Shoto’s presents without either of you finding out what was. Though, now that I think about it, it probably would’ve been a smart idea for a pair of five year-olds.” he pulls out a notebook with my name on it before putting it in front of me “There’s two more that I need, but if you want to you can take it now.”

I raise an eyebrow “Not with it unfinished.” I get up “If there isn’t anything else, I’m going to go to bed. I’ll be leaving early in the morning.” I walk out without a word from my father, finishing my water as I walk back to the kitchen, without running into anyone else, and heading back to my room to see if I can get any sleep.

—An hour and a half after she goes to bed—

I open my eyes hearing the bedroom door open, my back to the door so I can’t see who it is. They walk over, lean down and grab my phone, their hand is too small to be Endeavor’s, before I feel them pick me up, forcing me to quickly close my eyes and go limp, as they carry me and the blanket I am using out of the room and into the room next to it. 

I hear them put my phone down, hearing the familiar charging sound, before hearing them get down in front of me. Whoever it is places their hand on my cheek “I’m not leaving your side, Azula, no matter what.” my twin whispers, placing a kiss on my forehead before putting his hand on one of mine and probably going to sleep.

Little short this week but I didn't want to drag the chapter out just to hit a word count. See you next chapter  ♥️

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