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A phone call is what it takes to get Dad to leave his office with me tailing him, having heard part of the conversation and seeing the concern in his eyes. Something happened at the camp, something bad.

I didn't even properly put my shoes on as I followed him out the door, just left the slippers behind and grabbed my shoes. "Dad, what happened?" I ask him in a more commanding tone than usual as soon as we started driving off.

"The camp was attacked." he tells me, keeping his eyes on the road "I don't have much information, but Toya is at the hospital at his insistence, and Shoto wasn't allowed to go with him and is at the school."

An attack, again. "Was it the League again?" If it was, Imma have a nice talking to with Shigaraki.

"I'm assuming so, they didn't give me much information." Dad huffs.

Okay, they're alive. But Toya's baby- God I hope it's unharmed.

The drive is antagonizing, not knowing if Toya is alright or if there's something wrong with the baby. I mean, I'm sure Keigo is either on his way there or is there now.

Almost as soon as we get to the school, I fly out of the car. Dad yelled at me to wait, not that I needed to. I carry my student ID in my phone case so that I always have it and to keep prying eyes out of my backpack.

"Shoto." is my only word, after I practically slammed the classroom door open, probably startling those that were there. I don't give a fuck.

He gets up from his desk and walks over, giving me a hug "I'm okay Sis, I'm okay." he says softly as I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his shoulder.

"I know, just-" breath Azula, he's fine, he's safe.

"Azula, Shoto. Let's go." Dad states behind me "Your stuff is already in the car."

"Alright." Shoto states before he hoists me up, carrying me out to the car.

"Any word on Toya?" Shoto asks. Both of us in the back because I am being a bit of a wuss and need to hold his hand to make sure he's still here.

"Not yet. All I got is the address." Dad answers, causing Shoto to squeeze my hand. Toya, please be okay.

"Toya!" Shoto says as we get to his room, Keigo is sitting on the bed with his husband, who is sitting up and holding the other's hand.

"Azula, Shoto. Who did you get here so fast?" Toya asks before stating "You better not have driven him here Azula."

"I didn't! Dad did." I huff, going over to give Toya a tight hug.

"Hey, I'm fine Azula." he says "Come here Shoto."

I feel Shoto come over, arms around both of us before feeling Toya place a kiss on the top of my head.

Someone clears their throat behind us, myself half expecting it to be a doctor or nurse when I turn around. But no.

"How the hell did you get here first Azula?" Natsuo asks, his arms folded while Fuyumi gives both Shoto and Toya tight hugs and makes sure they're okay.

"Uh Dad. I was in his office when he got the call." I shrug.

"Fuyumi, I'm fine." I hear Toya insist "Believe me, I'm unharmed."

His wording, I look over at Keigo. Did something happen to the baby? "Says the one sitting on a hospital bed." our sister counters.

"I promise, I just needed to check something."

"Which I got the results for." a woman with electric pink hair and a lab coat "I understand you four are his siblings, but for legal reasons I would like to speak with Mr. and Mr. Takami first."

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