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The Shindo kid tries to take out the "villians" with a small quake but it didn't really affect Gang Orca, idiot.

"You let a single anchor to deal with a threat like me? Don't get cocky kids." Orca remarks as I run over.

"Cocky? Damn, if you were my sib-in-law I'd make a dick joke." I smirk, summoning a fire sword as Shoto tries to ice Orca.

"Welcome to the party, Shoto." I nod at him as the wind starts to pick up.

"BLOW THE HECK AWAY!!" the Yoarashi guy yells "...What a heated turn of events they've decided to go with!!"

I guess the two of them got Orca, so I start brawling with one of the sidekicks that weren't blown away.

The wind picks up again, feeling hella warmer as I move onto the next guy. "Why fire?! The heat made my wind rise!!" Yoarashi yells, I'm assuming, at Shoto. For the love of Soba, they're worse than Bakugo and Midoriya. Might as well take the opportunity, fire is smart though with Orca being an aquatic hero.

"Hey Orca!!" I yell, lighting my right hand fist on fire "Hope you like your knuckle sandwiches spicy!!" I aim for his head that he blocks with his forearm, but I use it as an opportunity to go for a kick, also to the head.

I still hear those two arguing, the fucking idiots. "Excuse me, I need to yell at the children." I sigh, before turning to face the two "If you don't stop your fucking bickering like fucking children, I will send you both to the other side of the arena!" I yell at them as Midoriya yells "What's the big deal?!" after having to move Shindo out of the way of some rouge flames.

I move out of the way of that cement junk before turning back to Orca "Now Let's pick up where we left off." I use my right side to create a fire sword and start battling with Orca, dodging the cement as I do so.

A fire tornado appears around us "finally" I mumble, continuing to fight. The heat will weaken him, it'll cause some trouble for me, but I just have to keep icing myself to keep my core temp right.

"You're a stubborn one huh." Orca remarks, dumping some water on his head.

"Get it from my dad." I smirk, let heat things up a bit. I reach my hand out to the vortex, adding some orange flames to the fire tornado. Also trying to keep it around us now that the air is hotter, it'll be less willing to cooperate.

BZZZT //"ahem! At present, every last H.U.C. member on the field has been rescued from impending danger. Therefore, I declare that this test is over!// BZZZZT

Damn, already? I put all the fire out with some ice as I put my beanie on. "Well, that was fun." I remark, walking over to my twin and smacking him outside the head.

"OW! Why? I mean I know why, but why?" he complains.

"Because I'm trying to knock some sense into ya." I inform him "And I was serious about sending you two to the other side of the arena."

"Didn't doubt it, Sis."


"It's been a long battle, boys and girls, but now it's time for the results. Before that, though, regarding the scoring system. We of the Hero Public Safety Commission, along with the members of H.U.C. were deducting points on two issues as we watched you perform. Essentially, we judged you on your ability to act flawlessly in a crisis.

"Anyhow, here are the names of those who passed the test in alphabetical order." The moment of truth. "Keep everything I've said in mind, please take a look."

Come on, please be up there, please please please. Between Tokoyami and Naito, I see one Todoroki. That Todoroki is- "I passed!" I smiled I fucking did it!" But Shoto didn't, Kaminari passed too, that's good.

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