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~Time Skip~

"Hey, you got plans tonight?" Shinso asks after class, the hero students are out on their internships for a couple days now, but yet my brothers still find time to text me.

"Sorry, I got something I need to take care of." I tell him, one of our suppliers got some things for us, normally Dabi would do it or sometimes Compress, but Dabi is out for the week and I offered to do it since I'm second-in-command. "Maybe later."

"No worries." Shinso says as we leave campus "Later Azula."

"See ya Shinso." The annoying thing is that the guy is over in Hosu, so this will take all afternoon just to get there.

"Queenie! You're home early." Toga greets me.

"Because I left early." I tell her, heading upstairs to change into my villain 'costume', really just a black button up, black slacks and a red tie with combat boots. Also a mask to go over my eyes when I get there. "I'll be back late tonight." I tell Toga as I run out the door.

The ride to Hosu was the smoothest part along with getting to the drop off. But the actual drop off, "Well well well, did they really send me a bitch as payment." the guy, one for Giran's associates I assume, smirks as soon as I walk in.

"Giran said you got the stuff." I state, horny piece of shit.

"Look sweet cheeks, this isn't for a little girl like you, so tell yer boss to come down here and get it."

I give a sigh before pulling out a knife and holding it to his throat. "I advise you to hand it over because I am the boss and I am sure you boss wouldn't want to lose one of his best customers just because a little bitch can't do his job."

"I swear some people." I mumble leaving the place with the briefcase. It's starting to get late, hope the train station isn't closed yet. And with the clouds coming in, sure the hell hope it doesn't rain either.

BOOM! BOOM! "What the actual fuck?!" I yell a few blocks away, wait, what's a Nomu doing here?! About at ground zero there's one that looks similar to Beaky, but white and no beak.

Either way, I need to get away from the streets, I don't feel like risking the chance of being trampled nor caught. Don't think the train will be a good idea at the moment either.

The sounds of additional feet running cause me to stop, shit, better not be a fucking Pro. I threw the case under my shirt, retucking it into my pants, as I made a turn.

Only to be standing behind a guy with a bigger stabby collection on his back than Toga. In front I see Midoriya, Shoto, Iida and the Pro Hero Native. Oh fuck it. "Oi!" my voice the way I keep it around the VAS "Give me one reason why I shouldn't fuck you up Ninja Turtle Wannabe!"

"What the hell with all these interruptions." the guy mutters.

"That isn't a reason bitch." I tell him "Now I'll give you one more chance."

"Leave while you still have a chance."

"It's Stain! You can't fight him." Midoriya yells before getting thrown against a wall.

"Stain huh?" so an actual challenge "You don't look like much, but I dealt with bigger shits. So come at me wannabe." I raise my fists up with a bit of a plan, I don't think it'll be too bad.

"Cell and Dabi are on their way." Shoto yells. Dabi is going to kill me.

"Plenty of time." I mumble, dodging a knife "Too slow bitch!" I guess all that time with Toga helped more than I thought.

"I got an idea!" Midoriya yells. "Do it then!" I call back, I am not in a great position to give advice on any plans at the moment.

In one swift moment, Midoriya and Iida both land a hit on Stain with Shoto sending an ice ramp to catch them.

"You guys okay?" I ask, I don't remember when I got a knife to the left leg, but it doesn't hurt too bad at the moment.

"Yeah." Shoto says, staring at Stain's almost lifeless body. He's not dead, just wouldn't be awake for a while. "We need to get him tied up and to the main street." I say "And disarm him in case he wakes up." my throat is starting to kill me, I better not lose my voice. Already bad enough with the knife in the calf.

"On it." Shoto nods.

"There you are!" someone calls out as we get back to the street.

"Are you guys alright?" and there's Dabi looking like the mini, off-brand Endeavor that he is. Then there's someone that kicks Midoriya in the face. Guess he's the hero the Midoriya is interning with.

"Ty Lee?" now Dabi notices me "What the hell are you doing here?"

"You know her?" Iida sounds surprised. Shit, who knows about Dabi being a villain boss, probably Shoto but I'm not sure about anyone else.

"Sadly." I mumble as the redhead comes over and puts an arm around my torso, "Lean into me," he tells me "we don't need your leg getting worse from you using it."

"I got a knifed leg, not a broken one." I state, but I think he realizes what I'm doing in Hosu with the case now pressed against my back.

"You can damage the muscles by using them and other shit." he grumbles.

"Very persuasive."

"Oh shut up."

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