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"Fuck." I open my eyes to both my boyfriends' arms around me in my dorm. I reach over to my phone, okay, it's only five. I get up anyways, I need to change into clean clothes. Which I manage to do without either of my boyfriends waking up in the middle of it. Unfortunately, I don't have any more long-sleeve undershirts. Fuck, whatever. I doubt anyone will notice the scars.

"Morning Cutie." Kami yawns as I put my tie on.

"Morning honey." I answer, walking over to give him a morning kiss.

"Do I get a kiss too?" 'Toshi asks, yawning.

"Of course." I kiss him too then Kami gives him one after.

"This is a good way to wake up." the blonde smiles.

"Definitely can get used to it." 'Toshi remarks before asking what the time is.

" 'Bout five o'clock, but we should get moving before everything else gets up." I suggest.

"Yeah, I need to shower too." 'Toshi sits up with Kami hugging his torso.

"Ten more minutes?" Kami requests.

"Not today."

I pop my head out my door to make sure the coast is clear for my boys. "It's all clear." I tell them, as soon as we snuck out, the door next to mine opens.

"Morning." Keigo waves, Toya still half asleep and holding his husband's other arm.

"Morning Keigo. Morning patrol today?" I ask as the five of us head over to the elevator.

"Nah, day off today. But I'm more curious as to why you two boys were coming out of 'Zula's room." The elevator doors open, empty.

"We fell asleep cuddling." 'Toshi answers, Kami leaning on me a bit.

""Just cuddling?" Toya asks.

"I will smack you, Toya." I warn.

We get to the ground floor, the common room is empty.

"Imma shower." 'Toshi gives both of us a kiss on the cheeks before heading to the baths.

"I'll have the coffee ready for ya when you come out." I tell him.

Kami and Toya decide to curl up on their own couch. I start making bentos for my boyfriends and I as Keigo starts cooking breakfast.

"I'm glad those cuts healed up." Keigo remarks, as I put some fresh-white rice in the bentos.

"Yeah." I state, putting a bit of rice on some plastic wrap. I don;t want to talk about it, not with a chance of Toya or my boyfriends hearing about it. I don't want anyone else to know about it if I can help it.

"Have you been doing alright, mentally at least?" he asks.

"I haven't repeated that." I tell him, creating a crater in the rice before putting a mix of hamburger and grated cheddar before putting some more rice on top.

"That's good," Keigo sighs, "I bet you haven't told anyone else about it."

"And I don't plan on it either." I shape the rice piles with the hamburger into little balls, six of them in total.

"You know, Shinso and Kaminari might ask about them."

"I know." I make little triangles and add them to the rice balls before grabbing the nori.

"Will you tell them then?"

"I don't know." I tell him softly, putting the little nori shapes on the rice balls then the rice balls in the bentos on the bed of rice, two per lunch.

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