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"Okay can everyone hear me?" I ask, my camera off.

"Loud and clear Queenie." Toga smiles from my desk chair.

"Sure." Dabi replies, his camera also off for whatever reason.

"Okay, good." I pull up my notes app on my phone "First thing first: Food, anything we want for sure?"

"Some chicken dishes maybe?" Dabi says. We haven't had much chicken as of late.

"Okay." I put it in my notes, also adding in a couple dishes by name that Magne and Toga suggest.

"Coffee!" Twice says.

"Coffee is not a meal." Compress remarks.

"I mean." I give a shrug that they can't see.

"Ty Lee, I swear if I see you try to leave for school after only having coffee, I will make you eat a proper meal, I don't care if you are late." Magnes threatens.

"Yes Mom." I say as Dabi laughs.

"Oh fuck off burnt toast." Mags says to him.

"I just might." Dabi says before muting himself.

"Well, I hope they like their sausage burnt." I remark before casually going back to asking about dinner requests.

"Not sausage." Toga responds, making a gagging sound.

"All right, I'll make note of that." that pretty much it for meals "Okay, last call for meal requests." I give a pause for anyone to speak up, there isn't any as Toga shakes her head.

"All right, is there anything I need to get from the store; I already got condoms for Bacon Bits." I open a new note page.

"Do you have coffee written down? Who needs coffee?" Twice asks.

"Coffee is a permanent member of the list," I tell him "Along with Red Bulls and Monsters."

"I kinda need more blood." Toga spins in the chair.

"Didn't you get some a couple days ago?" Dabi asks her. So he isn't being fucked by someone.

"His blood didn't taste that good." she shrugs "I still got the blood in the cooler, but I'm not drinking anymore of it."

"Alright, I'll get a box to ship it to a hospital." I make the note "But Toga, I'm going to leave it to you to get more human blood."

"Yes ma'am."

Bit of a time skip

"Alright, anything to add last second?" I ask, the meeting lasted a bit longer than usual but that's fine.

"I think we're good for now." Magne answers.

"Bye Queenie! See ya Dabi!" Toga waves.

"Whatever." Dabi hangs up.

"I'll be back after school," I say "might be a bit longer since I got to get our stuff though."

"Perfectly fine." Mr. Compress says "We'll see you then." they hang up and I close my laptop, giving a bit of a sigh before clearing my throat. Man, that was a lot of talking on my part.

"Should've figured out why you and Ty Lee seemed so similar." I hear, causing me to stiffen a little out of surprise before looking over at the door where my brother-in-law is standing.

"Don't know what you're talking about Hawks." I state.

"Azula, my feathers can pick up vibrations and I just so happen to have some feathers with Toya." the hero says "And I've been here for over five minutes."

Shit "Don't tell Toya, please." I say "I know he won't care, but I don't want him to know."

Hawks sighs "Alright, but he is going to smack himself when he does find out."

"Yeah. I know." I also sigh before asking what's up.

"Dinner's ready." he smiles.

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec." I tell him before remembering something "Oh, and Hawks." I say just as he starts to head out the door.

"Yeah?" he turns to look at me, to see one of the scary-serious looks I picked up from Toya.

"If you hurt my brother in any way," I say, "I will not hesitate to kill you. And almost no one will think of it as any more than a tragic accident. Understood?" Gotta do my sisterly duty.

"Good thing I don't want to hurt him." the hero gives a bit of a nervous laugh.

"Great. I'll be right down."

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