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The weeks go by, at least once or twice a week we do an overnight patrol, which I'm loving. Early October comes and we switch into our winter uniforms, other than me. And the majority of the class still don't know about 'Toshi, Kami, and I being a throuple.

"Hey, classes are canceled." Kami says as I wake up.

"Deadass?" I yawn.

"mhm, Aizawa sent the text."

I lean over a shirtless 'Toshi to check my phone, seeing the notification. If I wasn't sore, I would call Dad to see if I could come in early. But I'm dating two guys with good size-

"Go back to sleep then." 'Toshi tells me, putting his hand on my lower back.

"Give me a sec." I just got a black noti. From Dabi. That might explain why classes are canceled.

I lay back down between my boyfriends. "We should get some clothes on real quick." Kami suggests, "In case anyone starts looking for us."

"Just pass me my pants." 'Toshi rolls over onto his side and wraps his arms around me.

Kami scoots off the bed, tossing me a shirt and sweats and Hitoshi just some sweats before putting on his own clothes and returning to bed. I manage to get mine on without leaving the bed.

"Are you alright after last night?" 'Toshi asks me, recuddling after getting his pants on.

"Yeah, we weren't too rough, were we?" Kami adds.

"Just a little sore." I answer, "Like I worked out all day yesterday."

Knock knock "Shinso-kun! Are you awake?" Hagakure knocks.

"Fuck." he groans.

"Only if you got a strap I can use on ya." I remark softly, earning a snort from Kami as our boyfriend gets up.

"Hush." Hitoshi hisses at us before opening the door enough to be the only one seen, "What's up Hagakure?" he asks.

"Have you seen Todoroki-san or Kaminari? Neither of them came downstairs."

"They're probably still sleeping." Hitoshi reasons "I don;t know about Kaminari, but I know Azula tends to be a deep sleeper so even if you knock, she won't wake up easily."

"I didn't think about that! Ooo! I wonder if they're cuddling! Thanks Shinso!"

"Nice cover." I tell him as he wraps his arms around me and Kami grabs one of Hitoshi's hands.

"Thanks." 'Toshi rests his head against mine, "Now let's go back to sleep."

"I have to make sure to be up in time for my work study." I yawn.

– –

"Knock knock." Toya's knocking wakes me up. I groan, rolling away from the door. Another knock on the door causes Hitoshi to stir.

"For fuck sake." he groans, getting up, I hear the door open "What do you want?"

"You three need to get up and eat. I know 'Zu got her work study to get ready for."

"Yeah, I'll wake them up. But did you have to pound on the door?"

"Did you have to answer the door without a shirt?"

"At least I got pants on."

"That's not where the hickies are."

"Fuck off."

"Make sure 'Zu gets up." footsteps go and the door closes. The bed dips behind me "Kam, 'Zula. Wake up, it's almost two. We need to eat."

"I can sleep for ten more minutes." I tell 'Toshi.

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