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"Shit, Azula! Wake up!" I am shaken awake by my boyfriend.

"Huh? What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eye before seeing that Toya is calling my phone.

"Answer it." Shinso hisses.

"Morning Toya." I yawn "What is so important that you need me before I had my coffee?"

"Ya know, I was gonna ask you something but when I came to your dorm, you weren't here."

Fuck "Well where else would I be?" I ask, putting my slippers in my bag while Shinso hands me my charger."

"Of course you'd sneak over to Shoto's room." Toya grumbles "Be over in a sec." before hanging up.

"Well, looks like I gotta have Shoto cover me." I smile before giving my boyfriend a kiss "See ya in a bit."

"See ya." he replies as I go over to the balcony. Just gotta hop over and dash across Sato's balcony before hopping onto Shoto's. Not the most dangerous thing I've done.

Which I do before tapping on his window.

"Why my balcony?" Shoto yawns, opening the door.

"Because?" I shrug, setting down my bag and pulling my slippers out.

"You have to tell me who's room you were in though." Shoto clicks as there is a knock on the door.

"Hey Toya." Shoto yawns, letting our brother in.

"What's up Toya?" I ask him, sitting next to Shoto's desk.

"Well," Toya gives a huff "Keigo and I were talking, and given the shitty world we live in; we both want you two to be the godparents of this kid." Toya gestures to his stomach.

"Both of us?" Shoto asks. I agree, I can see them picking Shoto, but me? They both know what I've done.

"Yeah both of you." Toya answers "Why wouldn't it be both."

— —

"You and Shinso are a couple?" Shoto asks "Since when?" The two of us, just hanging out on the dorm roof.

"You remember that Study Session we had before midterms?" I rub the back of my neck.

"Seriously? And you didn't tell me?" he puts a dramatic hand on his chest "I'm hurt Sis."

"Well you're the first one to know." I poke him in the side.

"I guess that makes up for that." Shoto hums "Though are you gonna tell anyone else?"

"The rest of the siblings of course. Then see how smart A really is." I lean back a bit with a sigh "Not sure what he likes about my stubborn ass."

"Must be looks, I had a whole ass club of stalkers a few years back."

I turn to my twin "You're fucking kidding, right?"

"Wish I was Sis. But there's a restraining order in place so we shouldn't have to worry about them."

"I'll fight them if they pull any more shit if ya like." I offer.

"Maybe." he turns so that he is looking at me "About that guy you killed." he says softly.

"What about him?" I ask my twin, my body going stiff.

"No major details or anything like that, I know better than that. Just why?"

I give a sigh "A lot of things. Met the guy to get some shit from his boss. He made a comment about me being the payment before undermining my authority so I held a knife to his throat." I state "He bitched to his boss, who knows I wouldn't do that without a good reason, did some diggin', 'parently I was lucky."

"Like that guy, you know-?" Shoto asks.

"I'm assuming so, with some shit earlier that week, I was pissed. The boss guy a;ready had him tied up from his interrogation and offered me the final blow."

"Toya knows."

"Yeah, Probably gonna kill me for telling you more than just I killed someone." I sigh yOu DeSeRvE tO bE dEaD tHoUgH.

Fuck, not now, not with Shoto here. Fuck.

"Hey, Azula? Are you okay?" I hear Shoto ask.

"I'm fine." I tell him, just keep it together, wait until you're in your dorm.

"No you're not Sis." he gently puts me on his lap, holding me close to his chest and rubbing my back as I try to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I knew you didn't want to talk about it, but I needed to know why." Shoto says.

"It's not your fault." I tap "That's just a week I wanna forget about for the most part."

"Kinda figure that day, but that whole week?"

I twist my left arm before tapping "Mentally was bad already, really bad dream pushed it off the cliff."

His grips tightens a little "Azula-"

"I'll be fine." I tap "I'm just recovering from it." I just need to calm down. I'm probably just over reacting from not getting enough sleep.

"Here," Shoto stands up, now carrying me, "let's go to your dorm. Just pretend you're asleep so no one will question it."

I nod, wrapping my arms around him since I've been told that I sleep with a death grip.

I feel Shoto go down stairs and it's once we get to our floor when I hear Yaoyorozu ask my twin why he is carrying me.

"We were chatting and she fell asleep." Shoto answers nonchalantly.

"Poor thing, she must be training more than her body really allows her to."

"The Todoroki Stubbornness as Toya calls it, if anyone asks where I'm at, can you let them know for me?"

"Of course! I'll bring some tea up later too."

"That'll be great, thank you."

Footsteps leave as Shoto opens my door. "Here we go." he sits us on my bed.

Surprisingly I did not go into a full on panic attack yet.

"Actually sleep if you want to 'Zu, or need to."

"I'm fine, if I take a name now, I won't get enough sleep tonight." I tell him.

"And you have been without a nap?"

"I've functioned on less sleep." I shrug.

"That's why you snuck into your boyfriend's room?"

"He texted me first. I was content with needing an ungodly amount of espresso in the morning." A nap does sound nice, but I'll fuck up my sleep even more than it is after all that hard work to get it more of a normal one leading up to starting school.

"Yo! Can I come in?" Toya knocks.

"What's up Toya?" Shoto asks as I go back to faking a nap; sorry Toya, I don't really feel like chatting with anyone. Shoto and maybe Hitoshi being the only exceptions right now.

"Wanting a nap without being bothered." Toya answers, I hear him come closer "Now scootch over."

Shoto moves us closer to the wall as the bed dips "Okay, why in here?" Shoto asks.

"Revenge for when you two would sneak into my room when Dad was out before y'all got your quirks." Toya's arm goes over me as I gently tap a message to my twin.

"Or is it because someone misses their husband." Shoto teases.

"Fuck off."


"I will smack you."

"Sure you will." SMACK "Hey!"

"I fucking told ya."

I give a small smile as I hold back a chuckle.

"Traitor." Shoto taps on my back.

"You're the one that dared him."

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