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"Why here of all places?" I mumble looking around at the ruins only to raise my sword upon hearing footsteps.

"Oh look, a little toy to play with." a guy says walking over with a smirk. It's only me over here, I assume, so I can let it out a little. "I can say the same," I too give a smirk "but not in ways you would like." just a little more murderous. I hold out my sword, ready to attack. "Now, why don't you tell me why you are here so that you'll die for a decent reason." Not that I've actually killed anyone, I leave the dirty work to the others, but I do know how to.

"Like I'd tell you!" he says "Not like a girly like you'd kill me."

I give a low chuckle "Oh sweetheart, you are only an F-ranker, I've met A-ranks and kicked their asses." I run at him before slashing across his chest. Not enough to kill him or for him to bleed out, but enough to get him in a position that I can pop him in the back of the head with the hilt of my sword.

I hear a few explosions go off, so bomb boy got warped here too. I hear over as more explosions go off. " 'Sup." I nod at Boom boom bitch and the Redhead. "Hey! It's Azi, right?" the latter asks, I give another nod "Yeah."

"Huh, these guys really must be weak if a Gen Ed can beat them." the blonde snorts.

"I've been training for the Hero Course since I was six-ish," I state "And I have older brothers so I'm not as useless as most."

"Woah, that's pretty manly!" the redhead says with a grin.

"But still pretty weak compared to the people I've trained with." I shrug before asking "Now what?"

"I'm gonna murder that warp gate motherfucker." the blonde says.

"Need help with that?" I offer.

"Not you too!"

"The warp gate is their way out," I tell the redhead "If we put it out of commission either by death or by knocking it out it'll be game over for them."

"At least she knows how to think." Bomb boi says "I'm out of here, if you guys want to go back to the others then fine by me."

"Hold up, I'm coming with you!" I say.

"Same here!" the redhead says "The name's Kirishima Eijiro by the way." he adds more towards me "Didn't get the chance to introduce myself."

"Nice to properly meet ya." I smile "Now let's kick some asses." I smirk, man I haven't been this hyped since I was ten ish.

"Villains are getting uglier and uglier every year." I mutter, taking a slash at what can only be described as a Zombie chicken human combo on steroids, I shall refer to it as Beaky.

Ice started forming on Beaky, most likely from Todoroki. Luckily it was his right that I aimed at and the left being covered in ice.

"Crap!! Almost had 'im!"

"You're not all that. You misty mook!!"

"But scum like you could never kill the Symbol of Peace."

I lift the sword so that the blade is in front of my face, ready for an attack from


"You've pinned down our way out.." he says. Dude, drink some water, "well this is a problem..."

All Might, you alright? I mentally ask, even if he's Number One, an injury to the abdomen is no joke; I could use part of my- no. I can't, not with him here, he would know.

"If I decide you're doing anything fishy," boom boom says to the warp "I'll blow you straight to kingdom come!!"

"That's not very heroic, dude." Kirishima says.

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