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"So why did you go to Hosu?" Dabi asks, arms crossed. It's the same night, he somehow got the okay to talk with me before they do a proper damage check on my leg. The knife is out and my calf is wrapped up, but they want to make sure there wasn't any other damage to it.

"You know why I was there." I state "You honestly should be glad it's me since I already know about this." I gesture to his hero costume.

"The only other person that'd go and get it is Compress." he says "But that still doesn't tell me why it was you that went and not him."

"Like it matters since it's too late now." I eye roll. Shit, at this fucking rate I'm going to loose my voice.

"Why the hell do you have to be so damn stubborn." Dabi sighs, running a hand through his hair. I give him a shrug "You should get going and finish your internship."

"I guess. I'll be back in the morning to check on you. 'Kay?"

"Okay." Not like I'd be able to change his mind. Toya leaves the room, I lean back. Sure the hell hope I'll be out before school, there's no way I'm missing school just because Stain got me with a knife. Besides, it'd be kind of hard to explain to Shinso why going to Hosu was so important and how the fuck I got into a fight with Stain without telling him I'm a villain.

It doesn't hurt too bad right now so I could probably hide it with leggings or something.

>> Next Morning <<

"I have to say, you're a lucky young lady." Chief Tsuiagumae tells me "Hardly anyone can just join a fight with minimal injuries from it. Nevertheless against The Hero Killer."

I give a shrug "I was born into a house full of boys, gotta be able to handle myself." Please don't talk long, sleep helped my throat but my voice will probably go out within a couple days.

"Normally you would be in serious trouble for fighting even without a quirk, since you weren't initially attacked." the Chief says "But given the situation and that no one but those that were there saw it, I am going to let you off with a warning.

"The paper and reports say that it was Endeavor that caught Stain. It would be best if you kept the truth to yourself."

"Planning to do so anyways." I give a brief smile "I hate to rush you, but I am hoping to get out of here to at least attend my afternoon classes."

"Of course." the Police Chief gives a bow before leaving the room only for my doctor to come in with a clipboard. "Well, the good news is that you can go home without any issues. But it's advisable for you to keep walking to the minimum until it's completely healed." she tells me.

"I'll do my best." I sign the discharge papers.

"Alright, I'll have a nurse come in with your things and some extra dressing for you to take with you." I'll just be glad to be out of Hosu.

I leave the hospital checking the times for public transportation and stop to get to UA. "Need a ride kid?" I look up to see, leaning against a car almost right in front of me is none other than Dabi.

I give a bit of a sigh "Yeah." Toya opens the door and I get in, myself behind the driver that is Endeavor, while Toya is behind the passenger who I am assuming to be one of the hero's sidekicks. Not that it really matters who it is. I check the time on my phone: 0631. Shit, I might need to let the school know that I'm going to be late. Fuck.

The car is silent, which is fine by me, saves my voice for later though I might get some tea to help, but that can only do so much when you're not using your vocal cords in a more relaxed state, if that makes sense. Definitely doesn't help that I was yelling a lot last night.

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