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"Hey, Todoroki-san," Kaminari walks up to me a couple days later, most of the class already gone after changing back into their school uniform, "can I talk with you after school?" He's fidgety and his cheeks are pink.

"Sure. Is there somewhere in particular?" I ask him.

"Um, does behind the main school building work?"


"Great! See you then." he smiles. We go our separate ways for lunch, me going to Hitoshi so that we can go up to the roof as usual.

"So Kaminari wants to ask me something after school." I tell my boyfriend after a few bites of my food.

"Damn, that was fast. Thought it'd take the rest of the week." he remarks.

"Maybe you not out-right rejecting him gave him a boost of confidence." I shrug.

"Fair enough." he kisses my temple "You sure you're okay with doing this?"

"Yes I'm sure." I assure him.

"But I swear to God if you both start stealing my hoodies."

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you said it was cute."

"Oh it is, but if I don't have any hoodies in my closet once it starts getting cold out."

"It'll give you a damn good excuse to cuddle." I shrug with a small smirk.

"Oh that's your goal huh." Hitoshi pulls me closer to him by my waist before peppering my face with kisses.

~After School~

"Hey Kaminari, what did you need to talk with me about?" I ask the blonde as he walks over.

"Shit, I didn't think you'd get here first." he rubs the back of his neck.

"If you need a sec to collect your thoughts, you can take it." I mean, I already have an idea about what he wants to talk about.

"Will you go out with me?" he blurts "And Shinso too if he's cool with that? Shit wait, I should've let him ask you. Can I try again?"

"Yes you can." I chuckle softly, damn I wish I recorded that, just to tease with later.

Kaminari takes a deep breath "Todoroki, I like you, really like you. I'm wondering if you'd want to go out with me? I'm also hoping Shinso would want to and maybe we can be a thruple. I mean, not everyone is poly or willing to try it. And if poly doesn't end up being your thing we can always change it or whatever.

"Shit, I should've told Shinso that too. Fuck." he mutters the last bits.

"Well, I got some good news for you." I lean against the wall "For starters, sure I'm willing to go out with you."


"Yes, and I am willing to dip into polyamory. And I'm fairly certain. Hitoshi is cool with dating me." I shrug "I mean unless he took me to that café so he didn't look weird."

"Seriously Azula?" Hitoshi pops out from behind the corner, arms folded "And is you sneaking over to my dorm just to make you seem innocent?"

Kaminari in metaphorical shock as I smirk my response to Hitoshi "Pretty damn sure it was your idea to sneak into my dorm but you'd get caught."

"Oh fuck off."

"Wait, wait, wait." Kaminari waves his hands as Hitoshi stands by me, "time out, you two are already a couple? Since when?"

"Just before our exams." Hitoshi answers "And before you ask, no I didn't tell her about you asking me out and you crushing on her. She was in my closet stealing my hoodie and trying not to set the building on fire."

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