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"If you know then why haven't you expelled me yet?" I ask Nezu, Eraser's expression is hard to read but I'm willing to bet that there is a bit of shock at the intel.

"Because you're not a villain." Nezu answers "I don't think most villains would not only approve but encourage their comrade to become a Hero, and also assist in protecting future heroes."

"Like it matters." I keep my poker face "I've done things that everyone else would frown upon and cause people to question if I'm really hero material, more so than Bakugo."

"Did you use your actual name?" Eraser asks "Or your quirk? Anything, really, that could identify you?"

"No, of course not. Only two people actually know, and one that I suspect might but hasn't mentioned it."

"Then why does it matter what everyone else thinks? Toya is using the same alias as he did as a villain."

It matters because I know. I know what I did. "Alright, since I can safely assume neither of you will take no as an answer, plus knowing my brothers and Shinso, I'll accept your offer."

"Excellent!" Nezu smiles "Both you and Mr. Shinso will be placed in Class A. The students are going to be taking their Provisional Hero License Exam this summer before term starts. I know Mr. Shinso isn't remotely ready for the exam, nothing for him to be ashamed of,but I feel like you are, if you'd like."

I give a sigh "Might as well, I didn't get to knock some egos down the Sports Festival."

Thwack! "What the fuck was that for?!" I yell at Hitoshi as we walk to the train station.

"For questioning why the you should be in the Hero Course when it's pretty fucking obvious on why you should." my boyfriend states before taking my hand in his.

"So did they tell you which class you're in?" I ask, I know obviously but I don't know if Inva-Sensei told him.

"Class A, you?"

"A too, gonna raise hell with Shoto and make it everyone's problem."

"Are you going to still wear that pink wig?"

I give a shrug "I don't know, I mean I only have it so no one knows that I'm a Todoroki. But it won't matter if I use my quirk."

Your choice," Hitoshi remarks "but in my opinion the pixie cut you have going on looks a lot better than the wig."

"The pixie cut that's probably fucked up in the back."

"Nothing unfixable." he shrugs "But like I said, your choice."

We go to his place , since everyone is still out, so that we can change out of our uniforms.

"Gonna tell anyone that you got in the Hero Course?" Hitoshi asks, rubbing my back from my position while lying on him on his bed.

"I dunno, probably Shoto so that we can cause trouble." I half shrug.

"Already feel bad for the class."

"Not the worst bit, no one's gonna be able to tell us apart. Not even Toya."

"I could probably figure it out."

"Wish ya luck on that, babe."

"Babe, huh?"

"Something wrong with that?"

"Of course not, kitten."

I feel the heat rise to my cheek, hiding my face in his chest "Fucking asshole."

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