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|"It's the first Billboard Chart since the Kamino Incident!"| The reporter reminds us over the TV. I'm in the kitchen, finishing cooking up a big batch of popcorn chicken plus some normal popcorn.

"Azula! Hurry up! It's starting!" Toya yells.

"I'm almost done, just give me a sec!" I call back, pouring the food in their bowls, grabbing them and some paper bowls. I walk in as they are announcing the fifth ranked hero as Mirko.

"Thanks Todoroki-san." Midoriya smiles as I sit between my boyfriends once I set the bowls down on the table.

|"Still at Number Three even though he's taking time off! With higher public support than anyone. It's the Fiber Hero: BEST JEANIST! Everyone's anxiously awaiting his return!

|"In Number Two, he does things his way, but always fiercely! With unstoppable momentum that got him here. The Winged Hero: Hawks!"| the said blonde giving a pose.

"Hey Toya, how does it feel to be husband to the Number Two Hero?" I ask my brother in front of me.

"Shut up." he elbows my leg.

|And finally!! This guy's been on top for a little while now, but today it's official! HE'S WAITED A LONG TIME TO CLAIM THE THRONE AND BECOME THE NUMBER ONE!! THE FLAME HERO: ENDEAVOR!!| the man walks on stage.

"He got a new costume." I note as the Public Safety Commission President starts in her speech.

"What do you expect, he got the top spot." Shoto shrugs.

Keigo starts getting restless, "He's gonna pull something." Toya mumbles as his husband whispers something to Dad, earning that silent look parents give to tell their kid to knock it off. You know the look.

|"And now, a word from our heroes!"|

"I swear to fucking God, if he pulls something." Toya mumbles.

"He's your husband." Tokoyami remarks.

"Doesn't mean I won't smack him." Toya responds.

Hawks is quiet, but very fidgety, up until Edgeshotstarts saying how the Ninja hero isn't a hero for fame and reputation. That's when my brother-in-law mimes unzipping his lips, "Who the hell do you think wants to hear that crap?"

Mirko says something that couldn't be picked up by the mic, causing the new number to to wink "I just hate holding back how I feel." before taking the microphone and flying up, "ahem You wanna talk public support? Best Jeanist would been number one if all that mattered thanks to the boost he gotten during his leave of absence. I'd be second, Edgeshot be third, Endeavor fourth and so on.

"Public approval? Sure, it matters more than anything else now, but c'mon! This isn't the time to dwell on the past. And you say that staying the course is the answer? Our symbol's gone. Today's a turning point, so what I don't wanna hear is a bunch of PR-friendly sound bites from the guys and gals below me! Try coming up with something actually heroic to say!

"That's all from me." Hawks flys down, hovering just above eye-level to Dad, "You're next, dude with a lower approval rating than me, Mr. Number One Hero." handing him the mic.

The Fire Lord gives his son-in-law a glare before, "After my junior colleague fanned the flames like that, I don't have much to say. Except: Just Watch ME!"

That's why, even as a villain, he has always been my favorite hero.

– – –

The next morning starts as usual, I do my morning work-out with there being no school. I return to the dorms to refill my water bottle, they have the TV on, watching something.

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