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"Why does it have to be so crowded?" I groan, entering the cafeteria. Ugh but I didn't bring a lunch and both Compress and Magne will kill me if I don't eat. I wouldn't put it past them to actually kill me either. "Cold Soba please.'' It has been years since I had any, I can cook it but there are too many memories attached to the dish. I have a Red Bull with me so I don't need anything else.

I pay for my meal before going to find a place to eat. "Hey," I look over to see the redhead from yesterday waving me down "want to eat with us?"


"There you are," Shinso appears out of nowhere beside me "I got us a spot." Thanks heavens. "Sorry, maybe another time." I say to the Todoroki before following Shinso.

"Thanks Shinso." I tell him once we were seated.

"Sure. So, how did you know that those two aren't twins?" Shinso asks, drinking his coffee.

"Why does that matter?" I ask back.

"Because, you seemed confident in that fact, beside you said yesterday that the answer is complicated." Shinso shrugs. I give a groan as I notice the red head staring at me, so I flip him off like I would most everyone else.

"You know them outside of school." Shinso states more than asks, catching me off guard a little, "Why the hell would flipping someone off be deemed as me knowing them?" I ask "For your information, I flip everyone off; hero, villain, or citizen. I don't give two fucks."

"Wow, not one to differentiate huh." my classmate remarks. The subject is dropped, thank goodness, and we finish our meal in silence.

"Azula! Pay attention." our math teacher, the hero Ectoplasm, chides as I start to doodle on my notes. "I am sir." I remark back; sure there was the initial surprise of Ectoplasm being our teacher, along with other Pro Heroes, but I already learned most of this either from taking care of the paperwork for Dabi or Mr. Compress making sure that I was ready for this year during last term. Very interesting time with Magne being in charge of Literature.

The teacher hums a little before going back to his lecture, myself still doodling with the occasional notes taken as he moves through each key point.

Soon, the class comes to an end, allowing a few minutes before our next class. "Were you actually paying attention to Ectoplasm?" Shinso asks, I give him an eye roll "Duh, I just doodle while I was listening." I put away my red notebook as I wait for the next teacher to come in.

My phone goes off with a text from Dabi asking which school I'm at. I ignore it due to the need to protect my ears "LET'S GET EXCITED FOR ENGLISH!!" our teacher yells, who is none other than the Voice Hero: Present Mic. I'm going to need some earplugs if I want to hear. I pull out my blue notebook as I put my phone back in my bag.

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