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My first kiss, taken by my only non-villain friend in my brother's apartment.

I mean, I've "dated" if you can call it that when you're in your early teens, more casual in efforts to figure myself out. But never have I kissed anyone, hell I half thought my first kiss would be with Kamai, a friend or Toya's and I's, for the sole purpose to piss off some homophobes. It was a mutual agreement that we would hold even if we got out of the Single Club, just to have a written acknowledgement for our respective partners.

When I was "dating" I didn't really feel much attraction in any form, Hell I started to think that I was AroAce, but at this moment, I felt something.

After what felt like both forever and not enough Shinso takes a step back, looking away from me bearing a dark shade of red "I'm sorry Azula, I had to at least once. I hope this doesn't change our relationship for the worse."

"Was the quirk really necessary?" I sigh.

"Ish, gave me a bit of confidence." he shrugs, still not looking at me as I take a step forward.

"Fair enough. You can look at me, you know, I'm not Medusa."

"You try looking at your friend that you just fucking kissed."

I put my hand on his chin, gently tilting him so that he is looking at me "Challenge accepted." I give him a bit of a smirk before kissing him.

Okay, might've put him in shock with that.

After a few seconds I took a step back, making sure I was still looking right at him. "See, not that hard." I smirk "Now I'm going to get ready for bed." I give a smile before heading over to the stairs, oh yeah "You're still not taking the couch." I then go into the bathroom with my backpack.

Only for the shock of what I just fucking did to settle in.

"So," Shinso starts, we're both sitting on the bed in the guest bedroom "do you want to start dating? We don't have to call ourselves a couple right off the bat."

"Sure, if you want." What's there to lose, aside from a friend if this goes to complete shit.

"Really? Great!" he gives the biggest smile I've ever seen from him.

It's quiet for a minute before I state that we should probably go to bed.

I lay down, getting under the blankets after I put my phone on the charger. My exhaustion is starting to get to me now as I roll on my side, facing away from Shinso. I need to make a mental list of what I need to do tomorrow.

I feel the mattress dip as an arm goes over my waist. "Is this okay?" Shinso asks.


"Okay, let me know if you want me to move or anything."

" 'Kay." I yawn.


"Morning you two!" Keigo chirps as we walk into the kitchen. I give a bit of a groan before going over to the coffee maker.

"It's decaf in the pot." Toya informs us right as I was about to pour a mug.

"Why the fuck do you have decaf?" I grumble.

"There's instant coffee in the cabinet." Hawks says, a feather opening the cabinet above the coffee maker.

I just put a couple scoops before pouring in the decaf. Fucking all the damn intelligence with that, then drank half of it before I even sit down at the table. "Need some air with that?" Shinso deadpans as he sits down.

"This is air." I shrug, taking a sip, "It keeps every idiot alive a little bit longer than if I didn't have any."

"Fair enough." Shinso shrugs, sitting down next to me at the table.

"Here's breakfast." Keigo smiles, putting a platter of Tamagoyaki on the table.

"Thank you." I yawn, putting a couple pieces on my plate.

"You know," Shinso starts as we walk to the train station, "that study session did not go the way I expected."

"Were you expecting bottom surgery?" I joke.

"A little bit."

I give a chuckle "I assure you, you're least likely to have that happen. Unless extremely provoked or wanting it."

He gives a half smile "I'm good." before, hesitantly, lacing his fingers with mine.

I fucking hope I don't accidentally burn him.

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