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I woke up with my arms wrapped around my twin, quite a bit later than I wanted to wake up. It'll be fine, I go back to the room I was in, changing into my pants and taking off my shirt before folding them nicely and placing them just inside the door. I got back to Shoto's room to grab my phone and put the beanie on, I can give it back to him at school, leaving a note on his phone that I'll see him then before I leave the room to grab my shoes and put my slippers back.

I made it out of the house without running into anyone, thankfully. Right now I need to get back to Fujiyoshida to get my van and the rest of my stuff, that is easily a twelve-hour train ride over. Better grab some food and coffee before I go to the station.

–Twelve hours later–

I walk over to my van, pulling out my keys as I walk. Luckily there's no ticket or anything on it really saying that a cop or hero has been by it. Nor does it look broken into.

I get into the driver seat, taking inventory to make sure nothing has been touched, I mean it only been a day so I should be good. I put my seat belt on and get out of the parking lot and back on the expressway to head back to the VAS.

About ten minutes into my trip back just as I pay the first toll on the route. It's Compress. Probably wondering where I'm at.

I answer it, putting it on speaker so that I can drive safely. "What is it Compress?" I ask, my voice the usual tone for talking with them.

"Where are you at?" he asks.

"On my way back."

"That doesn't tell me where you are at."

"On the 139, happy?"

"That's a bit better, Your Highness."

I hear someone else in the background "Is she alright? Find out if she is okay after yesterday?" sounds like Mags.

"Let Mags know that I'm fine. Spent the night with my siblings after running into one of them." I tell Compress. My wall is built back up so I'm not concerned about them thinking otherwise.

"Alright, are you coming back to HQ or are you stopping elsewhere?" Compress asks.


"Alright, see you soon Your Majesty." he hangs up, leaving me in silence.

I let out a huff, this will probably be a long weekend and it's almost halfway done.

~~Back at HQ~~

"Tadaimas." I mumble, taking off my shoes; my shirt and sword in hand and my wig placed on my head with some of it covering my eye.

"Welcome back kid." of all people to greet me "How ya feeling?"

"No different than normal, Dabi." I tell him, my voice just as it always is here.

He raises an eyebrow, before walking over "You look like you'd rather be dead." he states.

"Sounds 'bout normal to me." I chuckle softly before speaking up "I'm going to change and go to bed." It's almost 8:00pm, thanks to the train mostly and I still got some reviews to go over before class Monday that I'll have to deal with tomorrow.

I go upstairs and to my room, locking the door behind me. "Damnit." I mumble, looking in the mirror I have. I really do look like shit even with the bath last night. Though I think part of it is the blood in the wig, I'll have to wash it later tonight or tomorrow.

There's a knock on my door just as I am about to remove my wig to at least detangle. "Leave me alone." I order, I don't care who it is.

"I just want to talk." it's Dabi "I got food."

My stomach growls at the thought. "Alright." I opened the door to let him in, "What kind of food?"

"Only the best kind: Cold Soba. Made by one of my sisters." he answers, handing me one of the containers and a pair of chopsticks as he sits down on the bed.

I open mine, buckwheat noodles with a smaller container holding the dipping sauce. Already smells good, and it was made by Fuyumi so it's gonna taste good. Pop open the other container, picking up some noodles with my chopsticks and dipping them in before taking my first bite.

Mmm, tastes just as good as I knew it would. "Hate to say it," Dabi starts "but what Compress and Magne made doesn't quite cut it compared to this.

"You gotta know Soba before you make Soba." I hum, taking another bite. Wonder if he had Fuyumi make this with me in mind or if this was just extra. Either way, I'm not wasting any of it.

"Damn right." he smiles, rubbing my head a bit before I can stop him. Causing my wig to shift back enough to show my real hair.

There's what feels like hours of silence, before Toya speaks almost in a whisper "Azula? Is it actually you?"

Will there be more whump? No fucking clue. But defiantly wasn't planning that. Thank you for reading <3

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