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"Hey Azula," Shinso says "if you get into the Hero Course after this, you have to talk with your family. At least your mom."

"Where is this coming from?" I ask him. It's almost time for the rec from those that placed lower, or want to do it. Shinso gives me a shrug; "Fine, but If you get in you have to let me get you lunch." I say, since we're doing this.

"To decide the brackets, we will be drawing lots." Midnight says "So the recreational event will continue before beginning the tournament. The sixteen participants from the tournament can choose to abstain from the recreation even if so choosed."

"Uh...Please excuse me!" one of the guys from mine and Shinso's team raised his hand. The tail kid from 1-A "I-I don't want to participate." Surprising a lot of people.

"My participation in the cavalry battle- I don't remember anyone it 'sept for the last bit. Probably because one of those two's quirk." his gaze directed to the two of us along with some of the others. "I know this is a rare opportunity, but it'll mess with my conscience if I go on."

"I would like to resign as well!" the other guy, I think he is in B "It doesn't matter the situation, to let someone win without doing a thing, doesn't go against the spirit of the Sport Festival."

I mean, suit yourself. After that hullabaloo the lots were drawn. Looks like I'm the final match of the first group (Azula vs Ashido) While Shinso is the very first one. "Seems like we both have a chance to fight Todoroki." Shinso remarks.

"Seems very entertaining to think about." I reply "I'm going to take a walk before the matches." I tell Shinso.

"Sure thing. Don't be late for my match."

"I won't." I tell him before leaving the stage area and from the stadium to find a tree to sit under. There isn't one close by, I guess the wall will do.

This portion of the festival won't be too hard. It's something I'm use to, but if I do go against Sho-

"Ah, there you are!" I hear a familiar voice say, causing me to look up. Is that Magne?

"Sorry?" I ask, what the hell is she doing here? And who is that with her; a man with dark, kinda curly hair in an orange dress shirt, tan slacks and tan/orange striped suspenders.

"Your majesty." he bows, Compress?!

"I think you got the wrong person." I say. What are they doing here?! Are they trying to get arrested?

"Ty, you can drop the act. We saw your uniform in your office." Magne says, but not in a confrontational way.

"Oh." I rub the back of my neck only to get tackled in a hug "Oh I'm so proud of you!" Magne says, catching me off guard, but I hug her back.

"Mags," Compress says "you're suffocating her."

"Whoops." she lets me go.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask "This place is crawling with heroes, you two could get caught." I mean I know why, but why?

"Because we wanted to see you kick ass in person." Mags answers.

"And to tell you that we know and won't tell anyone about attending UA." Mr. Compress adds.

"But-" they could gain so much if they snitch, maybe not from Dabi but from other villains. And it's like ten times more dangerous for them to know.

"No buts!" Magne interrupts "You deserve better! Now you get out there and kick some ass!"

I give the two a determined smile "You got it." I give her one last hug and giving Compress one too before heading back inside.

"Here is the first fight! His grades aren't bad but what the hell is that expression? From the Hero Course: Midoriya Izuku!" Mic announces as I walk into Class C's sitting area. "There you are." one of them says "You were almost late."

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