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"You good Shinso? Your face seems a little pink." I ask, seeing him sitting on the futon now by his bed, is he coming down with something or what?

"It's nothing, just a little warm, that's all." Shinso quickly answers before changing the subject "So, how's the leg?"

"Better." I give my left leg a little kick as I put my uniform on my bag "I mean it doesn't hurt as bad as before but the nerves could still be a little numb."

"That's good." he remarks as the room goes silent, before a sudden yell from another room rings out "She destroyed the cameras!!" sounds like Yamasho. I give a bit of a smirk as I sit down by Shinso, leaning against the side of the bed and casually scrolling on my phone. Being very glad I have my wig on as the door, that was all but a crack closed, swings open revealing a fuming kid about average height for a sixteen year old. "What the hell did you do bitch?" Yamacho growls.

"Well, I didn't do your mom, I oughta pay her a visit." I remark, barely glancing up. Yamacho turns his gaze towards Shinso "You fucking told her about the cameras, didn't you, you fucking fa- GAK!"

"Watch your fucking tone jackass." I hold my arm to his throat, pinning him to the door frame.

"Or what?" Yamacho laughs, or at least tries to. I give him one of the more intimidating smirks I picked up from Dabi, causing the boy to flinch as I reply "Oh you don't want to know." I tell him, my tone hushed slightly before stepping back.

Yamacho crumbles for a second before scurrying out of the room, oh the pleasure of that reaction.

"Damn, I don't want to ever get on your bad side." Shinso remarks as I close the door. I give a half-hearted shrug, "That wasn't my bad side."

I go back to my seat, leaning back and closing my eyes and letting out a dead breath. Why am I like this? "Hey, I can sleep on the futon," Shinso offers "since you're a guest and not because of what you did to that bastard."

I let out a chuckle at the last bit "If you insist, but I'm fine either way." I slept on futons when I was little and occasionally still do, for some reason I sleep a bit better when I do. Guess a reminder of old times when things were happier.

Focus Azula, don't think about back then. I close my eyes in an attempt to keep my emotions back. I don't need them to start to show now, I don't want to talk about it, it won't do me any good, it'd just make things complicated and either force me to lie or to spill my secrets. It'll just fuck me over in the long run.

"We should probably go to bed." Shinso comments "I don't think it'd be a good idea for you to deal with those two idiots first thing in the morning."

"Yeah." I sit up a bit "You still sure you want the futon? I really don't mind."

"It's fine, one night won't kill me."

"Okay." I get onto the bed, still kinda hesitant. I mean, it's not like sneaking into Dabi's bed when he isn't over at the VAS, this is a guy my age. Ugh why the fuck are things so God damn complicated?!

"Night." I tell him, facing the wall. Lights out and the door locked, guessing to keep the pervs from trying something.

"Night." Shinso responds as I close my eyes to see if I even get any sleep.

—Hours Later— ⚠️Trigger warning⚠️

"-almost got it." my eyes fly open feeling a hand on my stomach, under my shirt. Training kicking in as I make a knife out of ice, pinning whoever it is to the bed with said knife to their throat. It's pitch black so it takes me a second for my eyes to adjust to the low light, "If you ever," I growl, my voice at the lower octave I generally have "touch me or anyone like that without their consent then the only time you get your dick touched by me will be when I cut it off. Am I understood?"

I see the rapid movement, or at least the attempt to, nod "I need it verbably fucking cunt." I snarl.

"Yyyes Mma'am." so it was Asahi huh?

"This is your only warning, and I will find out if you ever do something like this again." I add before getting off him, and when I say he ran out of the room, I mean it, almost comparative to All Might vs Beaky level speeds.

A mere second goes by for the adrenalin to wear off and for me to start shaking like a Goddamn leaf "Oh god." I go to the fetal position, grabbing my hair, gripping it so tight I might accidentally yank it out.

"Azula, are you okay?" I hear Shinso ask "I saw Asahi run out of here, did he touch you or anything."

"Just my stomach, at least that's what I woke up to, but-" I swallow whatever it is that's trying to come up my throat.

"Do you want a second before I call the police?"

"Don't call the cops." I hiss, looking up at him, kinda crouched in front of me "We don't need to get them involved."

"He was feeling you up, it's sexual assault Azula. Not to mention the two of them trying to get video of you showering."

"I know, but the first person they are going to call is either Toya, who will no doubt kill or call my dad, where Toya and Shoto are interning at his agency." I tell Shinso "Plus I'll probably get in trouble for threatening the bastard." They also might investigate me and find out that I am a villain. "I'll be fine." I assure my friend, taking a couple deep breaths before sitting normally.

Shinso lets out a decompressing breath "As much as I want to, I won't force you to call the police, as much as I want you too. But I don't think he should be let off that easily."

"He wasn't. I told him that if he does something like this again that I'd cut off his dick."

"Ahem Explains why he was running so quickly." Shinso, probably subconsciously, closed his legs a bit to protect himself from any unnecessary bottom surgery.

A moment goes by in silence before Shinso asks "Are you going to be okay? I mean, I know shit like this can alter someone for a lifetime, but are you okay enough to sleep or do you need a hug or something?"

I chuckle softly, rubbing my arm a little "I honestly don't know." I take a deep breath "I mean, this might be a weird request despite all that shit; but can you possibly sleep next to me?" I request before quickly adding " You don't have to if you're uncomfortable with the idea." Well, things will be awkward now.

"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Shinso asks, clearly startled.

"I know, I know, unexpected, but I'm not necessarily asking to cuddle. I just need a body that I trust." He's probably going to say no or some shit like that.

"If you think it'll help."

-Next Morning-

"Hey! Azula! Wake up!" I feel Shinso shaking my shoulder.

"Ten more minutes." I grumble.

"In ten minutes we'll be late for school, idiot!"

I sit up "Shit! What time is it?" Why the hell was I snuggling Shinso? We were on opposite sides of the bed when I fell asleep again.

"Later than planned." he answers, getting out of the bed "I'll go start the coffee while you change."


Changing and redressing my leg was the easy part, covering my scar and putting my wig on without a good-sized mirror was a fucking pain in the ass.

"My wig looks straight right?" I ask Shinso as he comes back in.

"Yeah, you're good." Good he must've changed in the bathroom.

"Thanks." I grab my bag to head down stairs.

"I got the coffee in some to-go cups so we can just head to school and get breakfast on the way.''

"Sounds good to me."

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