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"How aren't you cold Todoroki-san!" Hagakure asks, just about everyone switched up their costume design for winter. Mine is the same as before.

"Because she's hotter than fuck." Denki answers, earning an eye roll and a light smack from me.

"Using my quirk to stay warm." I answer properly.

Toya is the only one not in his costume for obvious reasons, still pouting about it.

"Oh? Are we slacking off?" Monoma asks, walking over with his class.

"Oh! They're here!!" Kirishima says before yelling "Nope! We're not underestimating anyone! Just excited!"

"Hrh, is that so? Too bad for you, the tides are rolling our way now. HEAR ME, CLASS A! TODAY IS THE DAY WE SETTLE THIS RIVALRY!!" Monoma laughs rambling about a survey he took at the Culture Festival.

The rant was ended by Aizawa's scarf.

"I could try to 1 v Class B." I shrug.

"Try?" Hitoshi asks me, putting his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm not that good, babe."

The teacher explains the training today; Class A vs Class B in teams of four, the only exceptions are Hitoshi and I, two of the matches will be 5v5 with Hitoshi and I on opposing teams. We're supposed to think of the other teams as villains, makes sense.

We draw lots for teams. I'm in B for the first round and A for the last round. And I get to fight both my boyfriends in the first round.

"You're the girl from C that got third at the festival." the guy that introduced himself as Rin Hiryū states.

"I am, Todoroki Azula. Code-name Kiki." I properly introduce myself, "We should probably come up with a plan."

"That's actually smart." Shishida remarks. The mask Hitoshi has might be a problem.

Kirishima is taken out first thanks to Shiozaki then Koda soon after. Two down three to go.

"Me?! The decoy for a sneak attack?!" the girl says in horror, "Ahh, such a sinful deed deserves a good lashing."

"Sorry for not telling you before." I apologize.

"A lashing?! But it worked perfectly!!" Shishida says "Only three of 'em left."

I notice something, "What's that on your pants?" it's an orange disk.

"We got three Asuis heading our way." the beast guy says after sniffing the air.

"Three?" I don't think Tsu can clone herself.

I feel something wrap around me, "What the fuck!!" I yell, being yoinked to my purple haired boyfriend.

"Trying out a new kink, handsome?" I smirk at him, freezing my foot in place to stop him dragging me to jail, "Couldn't it wait till later?"

"Nice try Todoroki," Hitoshi lowers his mask to give me a smirk, "you can't fluster me that easily."

"So you're carrying a bana-" damnit, I know better than to respond.

"Sit down like a good girl while we get the rest of your team." Hitoshi tells me.

Of course I had no choise but to do as he said, but God fucking damnit, I was messing around about the new kink.

"Go on. Tell us what you learned." Aizawa says, my team lost 5-2 captured.

Denki was the only one not really humble in his reflection.

"That in few instances, it's not smart to give a cocky response." I mumble, still mildly feeling the effect from the 'good girl'. Damnit Hitoshi.

Aizawa goes down the line , also giving us pointers. "Todoroki. You are correct about the cocky remarks, but also keep in mind your surroundings, you wouldn't have been caught in the first place even with the chaos."

"Understood sir." I mumble, before giving my taller boyfriend a look, "I'm going to get you back next round, Shinso."

He gives me a smirk, "Can't wait."

"So what did he say to get you turning pink, even under his quirk?" Ashido asks me as our group gathers to make a plan.

"Unimportant, but I am so getting back at him for it one way or another." I state.

"Come on Azula," Kami puts his arms over my shoulders "he doesn't know what he said."

"He fucking knows what he said." I mumble, "And you better not spill our plan." I poke his forehead.

"Yes ma'am." We sit down next to my team, Ashido wanting combo moves, of course Midoriya has a notebook in hand. I'm keeping silent about my plan for Hitoshi, might regret it tonight, but I'm getting back at him for the good girl comment. The second match ended with a loss to Class A.

"Good luck Sho." I tell my twin as he gets up for his match.

"Thanks Azu." he smiles.

Toya comes over and sits down on my left side, Kami having taken my right for warmth.

"You good Toya?" I ask my older brother.

"Too warm." he answers, leaning against me. I put my arm over my brother's shoulder and use my quirk a bit as Ashido asks how Toya is too warm.

"Oh geez, I don't know, maybe because I have a fire quirk." Toya grumbles.

A pair of arms rest on top of my head, "How do you think this match will go?" Hitoshi asks.

I shrug, "They're pretty well matched up."

The match ends with a tie, not before Shoto melted the cameras around him. I get up at the end of the match.

"Sit 'Zu, I'll go check on him." Toya tells me, "You still got your final match."

"Okay." I say, Toya leaves and almost as soon as the round four people leave, Monoma starts in on his rant about B being better.

"Give me your scarf." I tell Hitoshi.

"Why?" he asks.

"So I can fucking hog tie him." maybe that will shut him up.

"Time for match Four!! Each class has one win and tie from the last match." Vlad says "But if you're thinking they're evenly matched, guess again! Because A's single win was mostly thanks to Shinso!! Evenly matched? I think not!!"

"Scratch that, Imma fight a teacher." I mumble as a protest starts including my blonde boyfriend.

"No Azula." 'Toshi rests his chin on my shoulder, "Just wait till the final match to shove his ego up his ass."

"But waiting isn't as fun." I exhale.

"I know, kitten." he tells me.

The match ends with a perfect victory for Class A. Time for my revenge on my boyfriend.

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