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-End of Day-

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask the crowd of people in front of the 1-A's classroom. I try to make my way through, it works a little.

"Ya know, I came over to see what all the hype was about," I hear Shinso say, he's in this too? "Seems like all of you are a bunch of arrogant assholes." Dear Roku, what the hell are you doing Shinso "There's lots of kids who wind up in the General Studies and other Courses because they fail to get into the heroic one; did you know that? And based on the results of the Sports Festival, people can even get under review to be transferred into the Hero Course; the reverse can be applied too." I make my way to the front as Shinso continues "Scoping out the competition huh? If nothing else, a gen ed kid like me is thinking 'hey, why don't I try pulling the rug out from under those hero students while they're on their high horses." Shinso gives a smirk "Consider this a declaration of war."

"Are you in this too Azi?" Shoto asks, causing Toya to look directly at me.

I give my own smirk "My goal isn't the Hero Course right now, but" my smirk becomes more mischievous "I do enjoy a game of ego knocking."

"Hey! I'm from Class 1-B next door!!" a guy with gray hair yells from the middle "Heard you guys fought some villains. Wanted to find out more, but all I'm seeing is this arrogant bastard!! You better not make a fool of the Hero Course at this thing!!"

This will be fun.

-Day of the Festival-

"Hey Azula," Shinso walks up to me in our class's waiting room "Let's show the Hero Course that we aren't here to play around."

I give him a smirk "Gladly." In the weeks since, I've explained to him why my identity is a secret, though not about being a villain. I don't plan to tell anyone about that unless absolutely necessary.

"It's the UA's Sports Festival!!" I hear Mic's voice ring out "The one time each year our fledgling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle!!"

"Let's get going." I say, a beanie practically glued to my head. Don't need it falling off during this.

"First up: you know who I'm talkin' about!!" Mic continues "The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely will power!! The first years of course!!! CLASS 1-A!!" of course they get a big welcome, honestly I don't care.

"-following Class B it's Classes C,D, and E of General Studies!! And here come Support Course Classes F, G, and H and the business course..."

"We're just here to make the others look good." one of my classmates says, followed by another "Hard to get motivated..." Hard? Nah, just makes it more entertaining when I whoop their asses.

"Now for the Athlete's oath!!" The R-Rated Hero: Midnight says, doesn't she normally reffing the Third Yeahs?

"Pipe down!! Your student representative is- Bakugo Katsuki!" she announces as Boom Boom Bitch walks on stage. "Whaaa? It's Kacchan?!" I hear Midoriya exclaim.

"Must be because he placed first in the entrance exam." someone else comments

"The Hero Course Entrance Exam you mean." one of my peers corrected.

"The Athlete's oath; make no mistake about it. I'm gonna take first place!!" Bakugo says, causing everyone else to get riled up. It's a shame I'm not aiming for first as well, otherwise it would be amazing to see his look when I kick his ass.

"Now, without any delay, let's get the first event started." Midnight says "These are the qualifiers! It's in this stage that so many are sent home crying every year!! And the fateful first event this year is-" she gestures to the screen behind her "This!!" an obstacle course huh?

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