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Toya's POV Real quick

I glance over at Azula before removing the last bit of latex from my arm along with the fake staples "Dead asleep." I mumble based on her breathing. She must've had a long day to be this tired, unless she hasn't been getting any sleep. At least she's getting some now.

I go grab a damp washcloth to wipe the makeup off of her face revealing Gucci level bags under one eye and a burn scar on the other. She grunts and scrunches up her face as I did so. I half thought I woke her up but it doesn't seem like it.

I lay down on my bed next to her, I didn't know if she locked her room. Plus I feel like if she were to wake up and not see me she might panic considering how this night went.

Almost as soon as I did so, Azula moved over so that she is right against my left side with an arm over my torso. "pfft Still need someone to cuddle to sleep." I whisper before kissing her forehead and putting an arm around her. Don't blame her though, my best sleep usually occurs when Kei doesn't have an overnight patrol/shift.

And just at the thought, "Hey babe, what's up?" I ask, answering my phone before it wakes 'Zu up, though I feel like it wouldn't've.

"Are you alright?" Keigo sounds worried "Cell said that Torino knocked you out."

"Just a headache, Ty got me away from the fight then Dad and Cell found us."

"Is Ty Lee okay?"

"I don't know what all she did today, but she was out like a light once she sat down in the car."

"Poor thing, gonna sleep good tonight though."

"Would be surprised if she didn't considering she is snuggling me in her sleep."

"Aww, I want a picture." he coos before asking where we're at.

"You're not getting a picture, and we're at VAS base. Pretty sure Cell locked the door when she left."

"Okay, Imma come over since I'm assuming that you can't get up."

"You don't even know where it is, Kei. Plus there's a chance that the others could regroup here."

"First, feathers. And second, worst case scenario you shove me back into the closet."

"Like you've even left it."

"See, no problem. I'll be there in a few." my husband's smile was practically audible as he hung up.

I barely put my phone back on the nightstand when the bedroom door opens and red plumage pokes in before I see my husband's face.

"You are a fucking dumbass." I tell him as he walks over.

"Pretty bold statement from the one I'm fucking." Kei smirks before giving me a kiss "Now scoot, I wanna snuggle too."

Back to Azula's POV

I don't want to move, it feels like all of my nerves are receiving some signal for pain, all of them.

"Not funny Keigo." I can feel Toya's groan.

"You're right, it's funny and cute." my brother-in-law chuckles.

"Why did I marry you?"

"Because of my big ol' di-"

"Don't fucking finish it." I groan.

"Hey, you feeling alright?" Keigo asks as I rub my eye a bit.

"Sore, but I'm not dead so." I give a bit of a shrug.

"Well, I'm going to see if I can make some breakfast." Keigo says, the bed lifts up from one less person on it; "On second thought, "Keigo says softly, "I think there's someone downstairs."

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