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"Really Azula?" Toya asks as soon as I walk in, "You had to threaten my husband."

"What, you would've done the same thing." I shrug.

"Oh~ you got someone." my brother smirks.

"No, but I got hope since you got married. But I'm still concerned about his taste in men."

"Oh, fuck off bitch."

"It's cold-hearted and you know it Toya." I smirk.

"I am grateful this is only for tonight." Hawks sigh.

"Could be worse." I say before actually noticing what's on the table "Cold Soba?"

"Only thing I know you liked." Hawks shrug. I take some of the noodles, dipping them before eating it, definitely better than the attempt Magne and Compress made. Theirs was good, but you could tell their focus was on the other dishes; which was fine since that's what I told them were my favorite foods.

"What?" I ask, noticing mainly Hawks staring.

"Sorry, just I don't make Soba often." he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Relaax, I would say something if it was bad." I tell him before correcting myself "Okay only if it was horrifically bad but still. Either way I'm the guest, it'd be rude."

We finish eating and, much to them saying I don't have to, I help clean off the table. "For fucks sake Azula, you don't need to help." Toya tells me as he washes the dishes.

"Well you didn't need to take me with ya today." I retort, putting a pot next to the sink.

"Tsk fucking brat." he mutters.

"Learned it from you bitch." I remind him before finishing the mental debate I was having and changing the tone "So how is Shoto?"

Toya pauses before saying "He misses you, all of them do. Hell I'm even willing to bet Pops does too."

"You haven't seen Dad yet?"

"Just what shows up on the news." my brother chuckles softly, "Don't know how he'd feel about his son marrying his coworker."

"At least it isn't some rando using you for Dad's money." I shrug.

"No, but I bet he'd use me to get Dad's autograph."

"I would not!" Hawks yell, causing the two of us to start laughing.

"So you haven't talked with Sho?" Toya asks once we're not laughing. "Well considering someone is hovering around him." I eye roll.

"Fuck off he's the only person I really know."

"Shoto probably wouldn't even realize it's me." I sigh.

"Ya sure?" Toya asks "You two are twins, don't you have twinly instincts?"

"Twinly instincts? Really? Come on Toya, you're making it sound like motherly instincts. I doubt he'd know it's me unless I use my quirk." I then get flicked in the head "What the fuck?!"

"You're being an idiot Azula."

"Am I? Maybe I'm just trying not to disappoint myself." I mumble. Toya gives a sigh "I won't force you to tell him. But it hurts him just as much as it hurts you not to be together."

We finish up the dishes and I head up to my room to actually get some of my homework done. I guess it's a good thing that I have an extra set of Clothes, maybe I should take a shower to relax a little. Probably later tonight.

I walk out of the room, clothes in along with my phone. They should be asleep by now, I glance up and down the hall just to make sure before going into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

I look at myself in the mirror. Would Shoto recognize me? I take off the beanie, showing my pixie cut, half red and half white hair. It's kind of a mess since I did it myself, not that it really matters how it looked with my wigs. Honestly just about the only thing aside from my quirk that deems me a Todoroki. All of it, along with my heterochromia, I hide away along with the scar on my right eye that I have gotten a couple years ago after I joined the VAS.

Though not even the VAS has seen the scar.

"-come on Toya, she deserves to know."

"Keigo, we just found out last week. Besides, I'm not baby-trapping my little sister, it's rude."

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