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Dabi just really wanted to give his baby brother a nice warm hug  ^.^

-A bit of a time skip-

"Fuck." I mumble, sending a hotter blast of fire towards the target.

"Better." Dad tells me, "Now narrow the blast and try to get it within the center three rings."

I nod before trying to do so, I manage to almost get it. I managed to get it down to five rings. Fuck, not good enough.

"Close." Dad says.

"You two need to eat." Cell says behind us.

"I;m fine." I tell her, sending another blast of fire. Four rings, better but not good enough."

"Kiki." Cell says "You need to eat."

"Azula." Dad says.

"I'll be fine." I need to get this down.

"Come on." Cell grabs me by the back of my shirt, that I easily slip off. I hear Dad cough.

I turn around just in time to be grabbed by the ear "Ow ow ow."

"Come on Endeavor." Cell says.

I rub my ear after Cell let me go in Dad's office where our lunch is. "That's on you." Dad tells me.

"Funny 'cuz I get it from you." I remind him.

— —

"You're a quick learner." Dad remarks.

"Years of seeing you and Toya doing the same moves, I already know what the results need to look like. Just having to fine-tune it for me." I shrug, resisting the urge to say that I'm not five.

"I suppose that would help." Dad states before telling me to head back to UA, to which I try arguing.

"But Dad, it's only been a few hours. I can keep going."

"I'm well aware of that. But I don't need you forming the habits Cell gets after me for."

"Too late."

"That's not a good thing, Azula."

"Very much established that, couple more hours, pretty please?" my boyfriends might kill me.

"No, and that's final."

"How 'bout just one?"


"Fine, thirty minutes."

"Todoroki Azula." He gives me a look that I'm not really fazed by, "Go."



"Fine." I huff, I can just go to Gunheads' and train with Kamai.

"Drive her back and head home yourself, Endeavor." Cell tells my father.

"Cell, she'll be fine." Dad says.

"You're right, but she's also your daughter and I'm willing to bet she won't go to UA right away. Plus, you need to go home too."

The two basically have a staring contest before Dad relents. Damnit Dad.

"Were you going to go back to UA?" Dad asks me as he drives me back.

"No comment." I shrug.

"Of course you weren't. Tomorrow we're doing a night patrol. I'll let your teacher know." Dad tells me, "I'll pick you up just before your curfew. Just make sure you get a nap in."

"I can run for a couple days without sleep, Dad."

"Do you want Cell to drag you back to UA?"

"Nope." I'll let Kami and 'Toshi know. Probably get a couple Red Bulls for my costume too.

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