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This one is cute 

"Todoroki-san, we need to talk." Sero pulls me aside after classes.

"Sure, what's up?" I ask him, Sero motions me to follow him.

"Todoroki." Sero gives me a very serious look, "why the hell are you cheating on Kaminari?"

I was wondering when this was going to happen. "I'm not cheating on Kami." I assure Sero.

"Dude, I saw you and Shinso in the kitchen this morning." he argues.

I exhale "Yeah, I 'm not denying it, but I'm not cheating on Kami. We're a throuple, been one since before the exam."

Sero takes a metaphorical step back "Wait, deadass? I didn't pin either of them as gay."

"I got a picture of the two cuddling." I offer.

"Nah, I believe you. I didn't really pin ya as the cheating type. But I gotta look out for friends, ya know?"

"You're all good." I tell him, "Honestly, I half expected it, just a matter of time and who was going to be accused of cheating with Hitoshi."

"Damn, so does anyone else know?" Sero asks "You know, so that I don't accidentally out you guys."

"My fam, and Kirishima was Denki's Hype/wingman."

"That's why he wasn't taking it seriously when I told him. He just told me to not worry about it. I was about ready to fight you!" Sero laughs.

I chuckle, "I'm glad Kami got friends looking out for him."

"Well, now I'm going to fight Kirishima for letting me think that you were a cheater."

"Good luck with that."

We head to the dorms, Sero wanting to see the picture of Kami and 'Toshi anyways.

"Guess who got accused of cheating." I hug Kami from behind, 'Toshi cooking, and everyone else up doing their homework in their rooms.

"I'm surprised it took this long." Hitoshi remarks as Kami asks who the accuser was.

"Sero, he saw 'Toshi and I in the kitchen this morning." I reply.

We eat the grilled cheese sandwiches 'Toshi made. Fuuuuck I feel really clingy right now. I'll be fine, I can cuddle after I do my homework.

I give my boyfriends a kiss before going upstairs to change and start my homework once I take care of my plate. Homework gets done and I go to my bed to rest a little once I find out what is causing the mood change. My abdomen feels tight, it's probably nothing. I got pain meds if the cramps act up, but I should be fine. I can tolerate a stab wound after all. Sleep might help, but I want to cuddle with my boyfriends, that'll mean I have to get up and I just got comfy. I'll be fine. Maybe I can have Hawks get some Soba, I don't want to bother him.

I get a text from Kami needing help with a math problem. I walk him through it, ia text, just kinda minimalizing moving now that I'm comfy and feeling more cramps. I'll be fine.

"Azula~" Kami coos once I answer my ringing phone, "I'm finish my homework. Can we cuddle?"

"Finished or got bored with it and putting it off for later aka never?" I ask him, it has happened quite a few times.

"He actually finished his homework." I hear Hitoshi say over the phone.

"He did? Bravo." I tell them. I love them, but I don't want to get up.

But cuddles.

"You good Baby?" Kami asks.

"Yeah, just cramping." I say.

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