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I mean, they're not wrong.

I look out my side window, Oh, that's why he asked. I probably look like a mess as I unlock the door and Shoto opens it before pulling me into a tight hug.

That hug was all that was needed to break what little of an act I had left of me being okay as I started bawling my eyes out on his shoulder. "Hey, I got you Sis." Shoto tells me softly, rubbing my back "I'm not leaving."

"I fucked up Shoto," I sniffle "I really fucked up."

"We all fuck up." I feel him pull away but still with a hand on my arm "I'm taking you to the house with me."

"W-what? But Fuyumi and Natsuo- They don't know, unless you or Toya told them." I tell him "Then there's Dad too. Besides, don't you have your internship too?"

" 'Zu, relax. It'll be fine. I can just introduce you as a friend or something like that. I got a beanie with me too." my twin suggests before sighing "Please Azula, for my peace of mind; please."

I bite the inside of my cheek, I can't convince him not to, I know that and I'm too weak emotionally to even try. But, what if I let something slip? It'll put him in more danger than what is already entitled.

"Okay," I answered softly, "but just for tonight."

I see a small, almost relieved smile appear on my brother "Good. Do we need to park this car somewhere? Assuming it's yours."

"Yeah, I think I saw some parking on the other side of the expressway. Get in, we can drive over there." I tell him.

My twin nods, doing as I said, putting my wig in the back seat. Once he was buckled, I put it in Drive before kinda edging out of the alley, you know to make sure I don't hit a car or something, before pulling out and heading back towards the expressway. "Do you want me to call Fuyumi and have her pick us up or walk back over here?" Shoto asks, his phone in hand.

"Probably smarter to walk back over there." I mean sure, a minivan isn't that odd of a car. But a fifteen year old driving? Yeah that is a shit ton of red flags, besides she might write down my plate or something.

"Okay, I'll let her know."

Once at a train station's lot (the only place where a sitting car wouldn't look too weird) I put some of the more suspicious things, like the katana, tucked under the back seats to prevent any unwarranted searches. "Do you have any wipes?" Shoto asks.

"Check in the glove box." I answer, taking a glance at me in the rearview mirror. I look like shit, why the hell did I even agree to this?

"Look at me real quick." Shoto says before wiping my face along with my ear.

"Jesus Shoto, I could've done it myself."

"I know," he shrugs, grabbing another wipe and handing it to me "Want to take care of your neck while I get the beanie out."

I nod, using the visor mirror to make sure I get it all. Damnit Shoto, you wiped whatever was left of my makeup off of my scar. I check the console to see if I put some emergency concealer in there. Oh thank Iroh I do.

"So it is a scar." Shoto remarks as I do what I can with what little I have makeup wise.

"Yeah. An accident a couple years back." keeping it close ended for both of our sakes.

"Well, if we're not careful they might start confusing us again." Shoto chuckles a little. I give a bit of a smile "Even if I didn't have a scar, I'm pretty sure they still might confuse us." This will have to do "That beanie?"

"Oh yeah." Shoto hands me the beanie and I put it on, making sure that not even a strand of hair is poking out, not that it was hard to.

I let out a deep breath "Let's go before she starts worrying."

11 minutes later, very precise ik

We walk up to a restaurant, Kominka Yamato, outside, waiting for us is Fuyumi herself; Ozai does she look different from what I remember and thought she would. With her, I'm guessing, is Natsuo and Toya. Shit!

Know what, if they figure it out, they figure it out. As long as they don't know about me and the VAS it'll be fine. "Azula? What are you doing out here?" Toya asks immediately before giving me a hug. Okay, wasn't expecting the last bit.

"She's the friend Shoto texted me about." Fuyumi says slowly as Toya keeps a decent grip of me and his chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah." Shoto says as I hug Toya back.

"Let's go in and get a table." Natsuo suggests "You said you got someone else coming, right Toya?"

"Yeah, he said he might be running late though." Toya replies.

"Let's do that." Fuyumi agrees, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Come on Toya." I try to gently nudge my oldest brother to move but he doesn't. So I do the only thing that I can think of and pick him up like a child and carry him inside.

"So, Azula was it?" Fuyumi asks at the table after we got our drinks and our orders were placed "You're in class C right?"

"Yeah." I shrug "Stuff happened on my end so I wasn't able to get into the Hero Course." kinda lame that I have to keep repeating it to just about everyone.

"I see." she replies as Natsuo puts a hand on her shoulder "Relax Sis, this is a day off from worrying about shit." he tells her before giving me a smile "Fuyumi got big sis mode activated 24/7. I'm Natsuo, Shoto's favorite brother."

Toya flips Natsuo off as he, Toya, drinks his Sprite that he was kinda forced to get. "Nice to meet you." I smile back, gotta keep my wall up. Earlier was bad enough with the addition of Shoto's timing, but there is no way I'm going to break down in front of everyone. I am just glad this isn't a fancy restaurant in any form.

"Just Dad had mentioned her a couple times." Fuyumi tells Natsuo, "And you know how he is when it comes to anyone." He talked about me? Probably nothing major, I mean I'm not anyone to him anymore.

Stop it Azula, think about that later. "Oh, I see." I mumble, fiddling with my fingers on my lap.

"It was a mixed basket of things, if you're wondering." Fuyumi drinks her water, "Shoto also mentioned you wanting to stay the night."

"I don't have to." Probably safer to be around others "I'm already intruding on your dinner." I feel two light kicks, one from Shoto on my left and the other from Toya on my right. I'm sorry but I'm technically a stranger to her and Natsuo. A stranger to my own family. I press my nail into my left wrist while simultaneously lightly biting the inside of my cheek.

"And let you go home alone in the dark? I don't think so."

The food arrives, an extra plate for the mysterious sixth person, probably Hawks. I eat my plate of Udon in silence while the others talk, not like I can contribute since I barely know what's going on in their lives aside from basic UA shit. a CoMpLeTe StRaNgEr, To YoUr OwN fAmIlY.

Fuck, just shut up. "Something on your mind kid?" Toya asks, a little more quiet and directed towards me, but I still notice Shoto perking up a little.

"It's nothing.." I tell him, quietly. I don't need him to worry, and if I mention anything he might connect me to Ty Lee. Don't need him to feel worse for shit that was my fault.

"Hey, sorry for being late. Work was Hell." and what would ya know it was Hawks joining us.

"Relax, at least you came." Shoto shrugs; Natsuo and I both give a snort.

"Real mature you two." Toya eyerolls.

"Not my fault." I shrug, learned it from him and he knows it.

"So you're the one that decided to marry this idiot?" Natsuo asks Hawks, Toya flipping our brother off again, as Hawks smiles "Yup! Takami Keigo. I've heard quite a bit about you guys."

"The only good shit about Fuyumi right?" I ask him, without thinking.

"Oh definitely, she's probably the only sibling that hasn't annoyed the living shit out of him." Natsuo laughs. Guess that kinda covers my stupid ass. I should probably stay quiet for the rest of the meal. No different than normal...

" 'Zu," Shoto says softly as the others talk, "your wrist is bleeding a little."

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