TWO. mated

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I turned to the voice calling me, instantly recognizing it

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I turned to the voice calling me, instantly recognizing it. In front of me were the Cullens, a coven of vampires that were family friends with the Holloways. It had been a few years since I had seen them knowing they moved around after years of being in one place once people started questioning their age.

I smiled at them, "Carlisle."

"What are you both doing here? Where is your mother?"

I thought back to 3 weeks ago and the fire knowing Edward will be able to see. I heard his breath hitch once he looked into my thought. Before he could tell the rest of his coven, I listened to an arrow release heading towards me. I quickly turned to my left and caught the arrow before it hit me in the face. Growling, I break it in two and turn towards where it came from.

I had to think of a plan quickly to keep Auggie and me and get rid of the hunter. Then, I looked back at the wolves and realized they weren't just wolves; they were shifters, and with that, I thought of a plan.

I crouched down to Auggie and held his face in my hands, "Auggie, listen to me. You see the wolves over there. I need you to go over there and stand by them quickly."

As I said that, I heard Rosalie hiss about Auggie being near the shifters, but I knew this was the only way we would be safe.

"Trust me, Rose." I turned and told her.

I knew Rosalie cared about Auggie as if he was her own child, seeing as she has always wanted to be a mother, but I had to do this.

"But I don't want to leave you."

"I'll be right here the entire time. You have to stand next to the wolves; okay, they'll protect you. Trust me."

Auggie began tearing up but nodded, knowing I wouldn't ask him to do something if it wasn't necessary. He turned and quickly went to the wolves and stood beside them, being a little weary of them, seeing as they were twice his size. I immediately see the dark silver wolf move closer to Auggie as if saying he'll protect him, and I smile at the wolf.

I then turn to the Cullens as they all stare at me in confusion, except for Edward, who knows my plan from seeing my thoughts.

"Carlisle, I'll explain everything, but first, you must trust me."

He looked weary but nodded at me in understanding. I looked at the way I came and saw the hunters approaching the clearing. I take a deep breath waiting for the hunters to get closer to hear me speak to them. They finally make it to the clearing seeing me stand in the middle of the Cullens and the wolves.

"Well, look at what we have here, Esmeralda. Did you think we won't kill you just because you surround yourself with vampires and wolves? I guess you underestimate us."

I heard the Cullen's hiss and the wolves growl when the hunter talked about killing me, and I smiled.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, Marcus. But you won't be killing me any time soon."

He laughs, "Is that right? And why is that?"

I smirk at him and face the wolves as they look close to attacking the group of hunters.

"What do you think a group of large wolves is gonna protect you and your brother."

"Oh, Marcus, don't tell me you don't know."

"Know what?" He said, becoming impatient.

"Well, you see, they aren't your ordinary wolves like my brother and me. Their shapeshifters, also known as spirit warriors."

The look on Marcus' face changes to understanding, "Do you remember the legends now?"

I smirk at him, "Because I do. See, my mother told me about the shapeshifters' legends and how they protect their tribe and humans from the cold ones."

I start moving around and continue, "See, what I found interesting about their legends is what happens if a human, the people they were sworn to protect, killed them. Do you remember what happens, Marcus? Why don't you educate your fellow hunter behind you? They look a little confused."

He gave me a glare saying he wanted to kill me.

"If a human kills a spirit warrior... there ancestors' spirits appear and strike the human down where they stand."

As soon as he finishes, I see the other hunters' faces turn to surprise upon learning this new information. They all start to falter, not wanting that to happen to them, and they slowly back away. Marcus notices them wanting to leave and turns to them.

"Don't listen to a word she says. These shifters have no intention of protecting her. We are here to get rid of them. They are monsters."

"That's where you're wrong, Marcus," I say, and they all look back at me. "You see, the shifters will protect me because of this..." I trail off as I lift my sleeve and show off my mate mark to them that is on my right forearm. The mark appeared to be the shifters' tribe tattoo they get when they shift. The hunter all knew what it meant to my kind; they now knew I had mated to one of the shifters.

"That's right, I have found my mate. Not only that, but my mate has imprinted on me. Isn't that right?" I asked, turning towards the dark silver wolf, who answered with a deep growl.

I turn back with a smirk, "I suggest you leave now unless you want to take your chances not only with the shifter but with the family of vampires, who are close family friends of mine."

Marcus gave me a chilling look and sighed, "Fine. We will take our leave. But know this Holloway, we will come back for you and your brother no matter where you are or who you hide behind. We will find a way."

He looked at the wolves, then at the Cullen's before turning back to the way they came from, "Let's get out of here."

I watched as they retreated into the woods and let out a breath of air from the worry my plan wouldn't work, but it did. Auggie and I were finally safe, at least for now.

"Esmeralda!" Auggie screams as he runs back to me. I smile and crouch down with my arms open as he runs into them, hugging me.

"Are they really gone now?"

I bring him out of the hug and look him in the eye, "For now, they are, but I have a feeling they'll be back. Don't worry, though. We'll be okay." Auggie smiles at me and hugs me again.

"Esmeralda, would you please explain to me what just happened? Why are there hunters after the both of you? And where is your mother?"

I look to Carlisle after letting Auggie go. I smile at him walking his way, and hug him and Esme, happy to see them again. I heard Auggie run to Rosalie and Emmett, hugging them. I listened to the wolves behind me growl at Auggie and me hugging the Cullens. Still, I didn't care at this moment cause all Auggie and I needed was the only sense of family we had left to hold us, especially after the few weeks we had.

here is the next chapter.
i hope the explanation of the ancestors thing makes sense in the way i wanted it to.
it's not an actual thing obviously it's just something i made up about the pack just to make the story more interesting.

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