FIVE. milo

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Third POVMilo never knew his parents

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Third POV
Milo never knew his parents. They had died when he was two years old from a drunk driver. He was at daycare when the couple was on their way to pick him up, but they never came.

From then on, Milo was put into foster care. Being bounced around from home to home. None of the families wanted him to join their family permanently. As Milo grew older, this broke him. He felt like he would never find a family to love him or find people who truly cared about him.

At a new foster family's house, Milo knew it wouldn't last, so he didn't bother becoming close to them. So he was always on his own. He ventured into the city of New York all on his own despite being so young. He loved going to Central Park and walking mainly at night. He knew it was stupid, but he didn't care. He loved to look at the moon through the trees and walk around in peace with no one around. But what he didn't know was that going to the park one night would change his life.

It was like any other night Milo walked through the park. He had found a long stick and used it as a walking stick as he looked at the sky. It wasn't a full moon, but it didn't improve his situation.

Milo was distracted by the moon to notice a figure coming out of the woods with bright red eyes. It was stalking Milo as his prey and watching his every move. Suddenly, he strikes him. The figure knocked Milo to the ground.

Milo screamed in pain as the figure's claws went into Milo's side. The figure raised his hand about to claw at Milo even more, but an arrow was shot through at the figure's hand. It screamed in pain and looked to where the arrow came from, and then hurried off into the dark and back into the woods. On the ground, Milo was in pain and tried to get up, but the pain in his side was too much.

Milo didn't know where the creature with the red eyes had gone, but he did know that someone was chasing it. That someone never made themselves known to Milo. He assumed they thought Milo was dead and left him. Milo knew he had to get up and return home, but he was weak. He was bleeding a lot and in excruciating pain, but he didn't want that thing coming back to kill him. So with all his might, Milo stood up, grabbing the stick from before to help him walk as he held his side tight to stop the bleeding.

Once he returned to his foster family's house, Milo was faint ready to pass out from the blood loss. But he pushed through and made it to his room without anyone noticing. His foster family probably didn't even see him leave in the first place, so Milo knew he had nothing to worry about. He made it to his room and took off his blood-soaked clothes, and saw that he had stopped bleeding. Milo jumped into the shower and rinsed off all the blood. Once he got out, he saw in the mirror the claw marks on his side.

He didn't know what that creature was, but he hoped he would never see it again. He banged the wound and went to bed, hoping to forget about his night. But Milo would never forget that night, and the events would haunt him for the days to come.

Two days after Milo was attacked, he woke up to change his bandages and saw that the marks were already healed. This scared Milo. He knew that wasn't normal. Wounds took a while to heal, especially if they were that deep. Milo tried to shake it off, but his magically healed wound stayed in his mind all day. What made matters worse that Milo didn't know was that that night was a full moon.

All day little things were setting Milo off, and he didn't understand why. He kept getting angry for the smallest things, and his anger kept building and building as the day went on. He got so mad that once the moon was at its peak in the sky, Milo began to feel the effect of it but didn't know what it was. Everything went downhill when Milo's foster father started to yell at him.

His foster father had thought Milo was the one who broke a vase in the living room. When Milo saw the angry look on his foster father's face, it set him off. Milo's eyes glowed, and as his foster father continued to scream at him, his claws came out. Before he knew it, Milo attacked the man. Scratched and clawing at the man, no matter how much he screamed for help and for Milo to stop, he didn't. It wasn't until the man had stopped moving and crying was when Milo stopped.

Milo had felt the man's life leave him, and in doing so, Milo felt something within him break. And his eyes turned from its golden yellow eyes to a cold steel blue. Milo had taken the life of an innocent, and it caused him to shift back. When he saw what he had done, Milo ran with nothing but the clothes on his back. He ran so fast, scared to be caught, and never looked back.

Since that night, Milo had been living in the streets, hiding from everything. He saw that he was a missing kid and that the police thought whoever killed his foster father had kidnapped him. Hunters had caught wind of Milo and had tried to go after him, but Milo was always able to get away from them. He was small, so he could get away from them by hiding in small spaces they wouldn't be able to check. Through the hunter, Milo learns that he is a werewolf who had killed an innocent, which is why the hunters were after him. He understood why they were after him, but he was scared. He knew he had killed someone, but Milo didn't want to die.

So when Timmy offered Milo to go with him to find Esmeralda, he didn't hesitate. Even after Milo told Timmy about what happened, Timmy didn't judge Milo. Timmy understood that Milo had no control over himself because of the full moon. Timmy only hoped that Esmeralda could help Milo control himself so he wouldn't be so scared of himself anymore, just like he had been once upon a time.

this had no dialogue whatsoever but that's okay.
idk why but rereading this chapter i realized i made Milo's backstory extremely sad. i am so sorry about that.
but know i would protect Milo with my life he is a precious little bean.
Milo's face claim is Noah Jupe.
hope you enjoy.

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