THREE. explanation

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After hanging onto Esme and Carlisle for what felt like forever, we finally broke away, smiling at one another

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After hanging onto Esme and Carlisle for what felt like forever, we finally broke away, smiling at one another. Esme wiped a tear that I didn't know fell and gave me her famous warm smile that made me feel much better despite what had happened the past three weeks.

"Now, will you explain why hunters were after the two of you?" Carlisle questioned once again.

"They found us again. So Auggie and I have been running from them for the past three weeks."

"Did you split up with the rest of your family? Where are they?" I look to the ground, then to Auggie, and see him bury his head into Emmett's shoulder. I see from the corner of my eye that Edward looks down, already knowing what happened, "Carlilse, the hunters set the house on fire. Auggie and I are the only ones left."

Once I finish my sentence, I see all of the Cullen's faces drop in the realization that my family was gone. But then, it was silent; even the wolves didn't make a sound as they saw how hurt the Cullen's were over this news.

"Esmeralda, I'm so sorry, sweetheart." Esme told me as she brought me into another hug.

"I'm sorry too, Esmeralda. I wish there was something we could have done to prevent that. If only we were still with your family."

I look to Carlisle shaking my head, "No, you guys had to leave. Mom understood that. And I'm sure the hunters would have still found us, and there would have been more casualties if you guys were there and may have died alongside them. So, then Auggie and I would have been even more alone."

"You guys have been on the run for three weeks?" Edward asks, standing next to some girl who smells human.

"What?! Three weeks? You two must be exhausted and hungry."

"Esme is right. You two need to eat and rest. Let's head home. We were done here before you showed up."

I smile, missing Esme cooking, but before we can even move an inch, I hear a deep growl come from the dark silver wolf. I turn to them as if I had forgotten about being mated and imprinted.

"Paul says they want them with them. But he doesn't trust us with them." Edward informs us.

I let out a slight growl, knowing they could all hear me, "You may not trust them, but I do. They're my family. You don't have to worry about us."

"Sam says he understands they are your family, but they want some explanation about everything and what you and Auggie are." Edward says, speaking for the wolves. "He says they'll provide both food and a place to rest. They only wish to talk to Esmeralda."

I look to Carlisle to see what he's thinking, and he looks back at me. "It's up to Esmeralda and Auggie if they want to go with you, not us. Esmeralda? Auggie?"

I look at the wolves, especially the dark silver one, and see he has pleading eyes, hoping I would agree to go with them. I sigh, "Okay. We'll go with you for the night, and I'll explain everything. That okay, Auggie?"

"Yeah!" Auggie said excitedly.



"No, Carlisle, do you expect me to be okay with my godson being with those mutts." The wolves growl at Rosalie's comment about them, and she hisses back.

"Rosalie, please, I want to go." Auggie said with a pleading look at his godmother.

"Rose, it will be fine. They can't hurt us; I'm mated to one of them. So we'll be okay."

"Fine, you can go, but I'm still not okay with it."

Auggie smiles and hugs the vampire in excitement. I smile as he runs over to the wolves and pets them like regular dogs.

I turn to Carlisle and Esme, "I'll make sure we eat and get plenty of rest. We'll stop by the house in the morning, maybe."

"Good. We'll see you tomorrow, Esmeralda." Carlisle smiles at me.

Esme brings me into another hug, and I savor it missing my own mother's hugs. I let go and headed over to the wolves. Being in front of them, I see how much bigger they are than regular wolves.

"Paul says you can ride on his back, and Auggie can ride on Jared's back." Edward tells me again.

I see a dark grey wolf with a light fur mask on his face move toward Auggie. I assume that's Jared. Both the wolves bent down so that we could climb onto them. I see Auggie on Jared with no problem, then start to climb myself. Once we were both situated on the wolves, they turned and started heading towards the deep woods.

I turn around and wave to the Cullens and see Auggie waving as well as they wave back to us. Soon they were out of vision, and I turned back to my front and clutched onto Paul, not wanting to fall off him as the wolves raced through the woods to get to wherever we were going.

After a few minutes of racing through the forest, we finally reached a clearing where a small house stood and a place to get to the beach. Paul and Jared bend down again and let Auggie and me off them. Once we were off them, they all moved back into the woods again.

"What are they doing?"

"There shifting back, Auggie. They also have to get dressed cause when they shift back; they're naked."

"Oh, that must suck." I giggled at Auggie's response and turned to look around the area seeing how beautiful it was and how I felt at home there.

"This place is nice. It feels like home." Auggies said out loud as if he read my mind.

Before I could say anything else, a group of people exited the woods, and I could only assume they were wolves in human form. One walks up to us, and from the power, I can feel radiating off of him. I guess he is the alpha.

"Esmeralda, Auggie. I'm Sam."

"It's nice to meet you, Sam." I told him as I, Auggie, and bow our heads.

"Why are you guys bowing your heads?" One of the many other boys asks us.

I smile, "It's to show our respect to the alpha."

"How did you know I was the alpha?"

"I can sense the power radiating off you, which tells me you're the alpha.

"All the boys looked surprised by that bit of information and nodded. Sam then led Auggie and me to a small red house that felt very welcoming and also smelled of fantastic food coming from the inside.

"Well, why don't we head inside, talk some more, and get you two some food? This is my home, also known as the pack house."

writing this book was really therapeutic in a way that i didn't realize i loved.
hope you all like this chapter.

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