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~15 years later~It's been fifteen years since going against the Volturi and having them call off the hunters

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~15 years later~
It's been fifteen years since going against the Volturi and having them call off the hunters. They kept to their word, and there haven't been hunters after my pack and I in years and other children of the moon. All the ones who were left, which wasn't a lot, ended up finding my pack looking for a permanent home and me. We had become a shelter for them even though hunters weren't after them. But it didn't matter if they weren't because they already did damage to them by taking away their family, so they were all alone. So we became their shelter and became their family.

The Cullen's moved from Forks years ago to avoid anyone suspicious about why they didn't age. They said goodbye, of course, even to the pack, also thanking them for helping them with everything that happened. I knew it would be a while til I saw them again, and it made me upset. But I knew they had to leave, and before they did, they asked the pack to watch over Auggie and me. The pack, of course, agreed since we were their family as well.

A year after Sam and Emily married, they got pregnant with their first child. A beautiful baby girl named Kailani Uley. Then when Kailani was five, they had another baby. A baby boy named Hunter Uley. Sam and Emily were terrific parents who did anything for their kids. Kailani was, of course, a daddy's girl, while Hunter was a momma's boy. They were a beautiful family, and I was so happy for them.

Jared and Kim married a few months after Kailani was born, and she was an adorable flower girl. A couple of months after their wedding, Kim found out she was pregnant, and they had a baby boy named Grayson Cameron. Then when Grayson was two, they had another baby boy named Elijah Cameron. And when Grayson was six and Elijah was four, they had another baby, but it was a baby girl named Dahlia Cameron. Let's say the boys were very protective of their little sister.

Scarlett and Embry got married, of course, having a moonlight wedding. And two years after they married, Scarlett found out she was pregnant. She had a baby girl named Ruby Call, who she named after her sister, she was close to before she died. Scarlett and Embry only have Ruby, and when she asks why they didn't have more, they only tell her why would they mess with perfection.

Timmy and Leah, despite not being together long, got married quickly. They truly loved each other, and Leah wanted to be called Timmy's wife already. After they were married, Timmy and Leah decided to adopt Milo. They asked me if it would be a good idea, and I told Timmy that since he found Milo, he's been attached to him and that it was about time. Milo was so happy when he found out to have parents that loved him finally. A year after adopting Milo, they found out they were pregnant with a baby girl. And they even let Milo pick out her name, and he chose Sadie Walker.

With Seth and Kimiko, they decided to travel around after they graduated high school. Kimiko always wanted to see the world before settling down, and that's what they did. They have been practically all over Europe, with their favorite spots being Greece, France, and Portugal. After traveling for five years, they returned to La Push with Kimiko having a round stomach. They had twin boys named Kenji and Ryu Clearwater. Let's say that these two boys were absolute troublemakers who loved pulling pranks on people.

Auggie found his mate in one of the children of the moon that found shelter with us. Her name is Lydia Monroe, and just like Auggie and me, she had lost her family in a fire set by the hunters years ago. As soon as they saw each other, they instantly fell in love. I quickly saw Lydia as a little sister, and we developed a fantastic friendship together. Lydia and Auggie got married when they were both twenty-one and are waiting a bit before they start having any kids.

Milo still hasn't found his mate, but he says he's not worried about it. He says he's happy with his family and little sister to care too much. He says he'll find them when the time is right and when fate says it's the right time for them to meet. He has grown a lot since he first got here, and I could be more proud of him. Milo has shown how strong he is for surviving everything he's been through. Being bitten by a child of the moon at a young age and then accidentally killed his foster father. He managed to put his past behind him but also learned from it and taught others not to make the same mistakes as he did.

As for the others in the pack and the tribe, they all have had a good life. All gained family and friends who were with them till the end. Since the Cullen's left Forks, not many other tribe members shifted. And since there wasn't much vampire activity, the pack stopped shifting and began aging again. I was a little upset when Paul told me he wouldn't be shifting anymore. I always loved seeing him in his wolf form and having him cuddle up to me, laying his head on my lap.

Paul and I got married two years after Sam and Emily got married. We had a moonlight wedding as Paul loved Sam and Emily's plus, he knew how important it was for my kind to have them. Then a few months later, I found out I was pregnant, and Paul couldn't wait to start a family with me. We had a baby girl named Annalisa Scarlett Lahote after my mother and my first beta. Then when she was six years old, we had twin babies, a girl and a boy named Samantha Emily and Sebastian Jared Lahote.

We're currently hanging out on the beach with all our kids. They played together in the water and on the sand, just having fun. I smiled as I watched them together, thankfully that I was there. Fate had brought me here so that all this could happen for us so we could be happy after the hard life a lot of us had. As I sat on the beach alone, Paul walked over to me and sat next to me.

"What are you thinking about, beautiful?" He asked, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Just about how lucky I am." I said.

"Oh yeah."

"Yeah. And how I'm happy that fate brought us together. If it hadn't, our three kids wouldn't be here." I said, pointing to our kids.

"You're right." Paul said. "I thank my ancestors every day for choosing you as my imprint. I wouldn't be happy if it weren't for you or the kids."

"I'm glad me and Auggie stubble upon you guys in the woods that day."

Paul pulled me closer to him, "Me too. I love you, Esmeralda Elvira Lahote."

"I love you too, Paul Grayson Lahote." I looked at him, and he brought me into a kiss.

We broke apart after being tackled by our kids, who giggled at us.

"We love you guys too." They screamed.

I laughed, as did Paul, "We love you too."

at that is the end of Moon Child.
i hope you guys loved the book as much as i loved writing it. and i hope you like the ending and learning of the names i picked for everyone's kids.
i do have other books that i am currently working on to publish. the next one is going to be a Teen Wolf story so be prepared for that.
thank you guys for reading my book and i hope you enjoyed it.

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