FIFTEEN. moonlight wedding

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It's been a week since we all faced the Volturi and their witnesses

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It's been a week since we all faced the Volturi and their witnesses. All of the covens that showed up to help have gone home. Garrett even went with the Denali's after finding Kate to be his mate and vowed to change his diet to match theirs. Renesmee is growing daily, making the Cullen's seem even more human. Bella and Edward, I know, enjoy being parents, and Jacob even teased Edward about calling him Dad since he imprinted on Renesmee.

I was dressed in my bridesmaids' dress for Sam and Emily's wedding tonight. That's right. They decided to have a moonlight wedding. Everyone spent the whole morning and afternoon getting everything ready. The boys all help set everything up at the beach for the ceremony, then set up at Sam and Emily's for the reception afterward. The tribe was confused about why they were having their wedding so late at night, but when I explained to them, they understood. They were all excited to see how a moonlight wedding compares to a traditional wedding during the day.

I was with the other girls as I was the last to get dressed. Emily had just finished getting her hair done by Kim and her makeup done by Kimiko. As we were all getting ready, we talked and laughed the entire time, just having a blast. After I got dressed, the girls and I helped Emily into her dress.

"Alright, you are all ready to walk down that aisle." I said.

"I can't believe it's actually happening. I'm about to get married." Emily said excitedly.

"Well, believe it. You look beautiful, Emily." Leah told her. "And I know Sam is gonna think so too when he sees you in your dress."

"Thanks, Leah."

"Of course." Leah says, then brings Emily into a hug.

A knock at the door broke them up. Scarlett opened the door, and it was Jared.

"We're all ready when you are, ladies." He said, then looked at Emily with a smile. "You look beautiful, Emily. I can already see Sam tearing up when you walk down the aisle."

"Thanks, Jared. And we are ready." Emily said.

With that, we all headed down the beach. It was all set up just like we described to them about moonlight weddings, with the lanterns lighting up the isle and lights all around the arch. The boys even add some torches around for some extra light. Us girls and our partners walked down the aisle, and instead of holding flowers, we were holding lanterns. Once Leah and Jared walked down, it was finally the bride's turn.

Everyone turned to see Emily in her beautiful dress, walking down and holding a lantern. I turned to Sam and saw a tear fall, and he quickly wiped it away. The way he looked at her was as if no one else was in the room besides her. He loved her wholeheartedly, and I knew he couldn't wait to call her his wife.

As the ceremony began, I looked at them with a big smile, happy that this day had finally come for them. My eyes then drift and look at Paul. He looked so handsome in his suit, and he had the biggest smile on his face seeing one of his best friends finally get married. He must have felt me staring because he caught my eye and smiled even brighter. And he mouthed I love you to me, and I smiled, mouthing it back.

"Sam do you take Emily Young to be your lawfully wedded wife from this day forward - to have and to hold, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health; will you love, honor, and cherish her for as long as you both shall live?" Billy said.

"I do." Sam smiled.

Billy turned to Emily, "Emily do you take Sam Uley to be your lawfully wedded husband from this day forward - to have and to hold, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health; will you love, honor, and cherish him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." She said.

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Pulling her in, Sam kissed Emily, and everyone clapped and cheered for them. They had finally done it. They were married. Sam and Emily smiled at everyone before going down the aisle with us bridesmaids and the groomsmen following them. After the ceremony, everyone returned to Sam and Emily's for the reception.

"Esmeralda, you were right. A moonlight wedding was beautiful. I'm so glad we did it." Emily told me.

"I told you so." I joked with her. "I'm so happy for you guys. Congratulations."

"Thank you." She said after we hugged.

Emily was walking away to thank more people when Sam came up to me.

"Hey, congratulations, you're officially married now. How does it feel?" I ask him.

He sighs with a smile, "It feels great. Everything was perfect. Moonlight weddings are beautiful."

"Yeah, I can see it was a big hit. I wouldn't doubt that this will become a custom with your tribe now." I say.

"Yeah, I've already heard a few tribe members say they wished they did this for their wedding."

I laughed, "Thank you, Sam."

"What are you thanking me for?" He questioned.

"For taking Auggie and me in. I know I already thanked you, but I want to thank you again. If it weren't for you letting me and Auggie stay with you, I don't know where we would have ended up." I said. "But I know for sure that I wouldn't have my pack and wouldn't have been happy. So thank you."

"And as I told you, you don't need to thank me. If anything, you should be thanking our ancestors. They were the ones who chose you to be Paul's imprint. If it weren't for them, who knows where you and Auggie would be." Sam says.

I nod, "I guess your right. I take back my thank you."

"Nope." Sam shakes his head. "You already said it. There are no takebacks."

We laughed and hugged each other. I honestly was thankful Sam let me and Auggie stay. He has become like an older brother to me. Something I would never have experienced if we hadn't stumbled upon the pack and the Cullen's in the woods that day. I will forever look back at that day and remember just how lucky I am to find to have found these people.

the last chapter of this book.
i'm a little sad that this book has come to an end as i spent a long time working on it.
thank you all for reading my book and enjoying it so much. i am happy that i got to share this story with you guys don't worry i have other stories i am writing.
if you haven't i do have a Criminal Minds book published that you guys can read if you want.
hope you enjoy.

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