FIFTEEN. full moon

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Tonight was the night

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Tonight was the night. It is the night of Auggie's first full moon to see if he will turn or not. It was a calm day as me, and Auggie just hung out with Emily and the pack. I wanted to make sure that Auggie had an easy day so he wouldn't be stressed about the full moon, so I had the pack try and distract him.

It had worked, and Auggie had spent the entire day not even worried about the full moon. But as soon as the sun went down is when the anxiety kicked in.

Right before the moon reached its peak, I was in the woods with Auggie and the pack looking for a good tree to chain Auggie to. Paul was holding onto the chains Sam got from Billy as we walked. Leah and Embry were shifted as they were on patrol and met with us to help.

I then found the perfect tree that looked strong enough, "Okay. This tree should be good." I look up and see the moon through the trees.

"Mera, we need to hurry." Auggie tells me, and I see him breathing heavily.

"Shit. Alright, Auggie, lean against the tree." He does as I say, starting to shake. "Guys, wrap the chains around him. Hurry."

Paul, Jared, and Sam quickly wrap the chains around Auggie and the tree. As soon as they finished, I locked the chains together so he could get free.

"Now what?" Seth asks.

I look at the moon, "Now we wait till the moon is at its peak and Auggie starts to shift."

We waited for a few minutes when we heard Auggie growling.

"Okay. It's time." I say, walking towards Auggie.

"Auggie, listen to my voice. You're gonna be okay. Just focus. Find your anchor." I tell him calmly.

"What's an anchor?" Sam asks.

I turn and look at him and the pack, "It's a person or an emotion that helps us keep control. Keeps us grounded."

"I can't think of one." Auggie tells me, still shaking and breathing heavily.

"Think of anything important to you. Anything at all."

He starts to growl louder and louder when I see his eye glow yellow, hair grows on the side of his face, and his claws grow out. He did it. He shifted.

"Auggie, I'm sure you're scared now, but you're okay. We're all here. If you can't find an anchor, that's okay." I tell him, trying to calm him down as I see him start to struggle against the chains.

"Instead, remember the mantra mom told us. Do you remember it?"

"Yeah." He growled. "How are you not feeling this, Mera?" He asked.

"I feel every second of it. I just learned control, and so will you. Now, what three things can not be long hidden? Say it." I tell him.

"The sun, the moon..."

"Slower." I interrupt him.

"The sun... the moon... the truth."

"Good. Keep going."

He growls, "The sun... the..."

Auggie growls again, interrupting himself.

"Auggie, keep going. You can do it."

He continues to growl and struggle against the chains trying to break through. Before I can even say anything to the pack to back up, the chains break.

Auggie growled, "Auggie, don't."

Growling at me, Auggie takes off running.

"Shit. Leah Embry, go after him we'll catch up." They both take off as soon as I finish.

I turn to the others, "We have to keep him within the woods. If he gets anywhere near the town he's wolf won't hesitate to kill someone, and if he does, the hunters will have every reason to go after him."

"What about the treaty line?" Quil asks.

"Don't worry. The Cullens know it's Auggie's first full moon. If he crosses the treaty line, then they'll help. Now let's go."

Then we were off. The rest of the pack shifted, and I started running alongside them. I picked up Auggie's scent a few feet ahead, and I saw Leah and Embry behind him, trying to catch him.

"Auggie!" I scream out, trying to get his attention.

He ignores me and runs faster. After a few more minutes, we end up near the treaty line, which Auggie crosses, causing the pack to stop, but I keep trying to catch up to him.

Before he could make it far from the treaty line, I saw the Cullens running at Auggie when Edward and Emmett tackled him. Auggie struggles against the two vampires, but they manage to hold him down. I can tell Jasper is trying to control his emotions but I can see he was having trouble.

"Auggie, it's okay. You're okay." Emmett tries to calm him down.

"Auggie, look at me." I say, kneeling next to him, "Say it. What three things can not be long hidden?"

"The sun... the moon... the truth. The sun... the moon... the truth."

"Good, keep going."

"The sun... the moon... the truth." Auggie continues starting to calm down.

"The sun... the moon... the truth."

I see his face shift back, and his breathing becomes normal again.

"The sun... the moon... the truth."

"You did it, papito. You shifted." I smiled at him.

He opens his eyes and smiles back, "I did. Sorry I ran."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It happens to the best of us." I say, shaking my head.

Emmett and Edward get off him and help him up. Emmett pats the boys' back, smiling proudly.

"Nice going, Augs. It looks like you're officially a child of the moon."

Auggie smiles at his godfather, "Thanks, Emmy." He then let out a big yawn.

"Alright, come on, little wolf. Shifting the first time leaves you exhausted. You're gonna need a lot of rest now." I say.

He nods, and we start walking back to the treaty line to the pack.

"Jared, can you carry Auggie back." I ask, and he nods his wolf head, saying yes. The wolf lies on the ground, and Auggie climbs on.

I then turn to the Cullen's, "Thanks for the help, guys."

"Anytime, Esmeralda." Carlisle says with a smile. I smile back, and they all turn and run back home.

I cross the treaty line, and Paul lays down, saying to climb. I shake my head at him but climb on anyway.

Back at Sam and Emily's, as soon as we get inside, Auggie heads straight to bed and knocks out once his head hits the pillow. While Leah, Seth, Embry, Quil, and Jacob all head home, the rest of us all relax from an eventful night.

Auggie did it he shifted! i never doubt him.
i have found it really hard to get everyone in the story lines that sound like them but it's kind of hard but i'm managing.
hope you enjoy!

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