SEVEN. finding the true alpha

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Third POV Timmy, Kimiko, and Milo stepped off the bus as they were finally in Forks

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Third POV
Timmy, Kimiko, and Milo stepped off the bus as they were finally in Forks. Once they were at the bus stop and the bus drove off, the trio we're left alone. They looked around and saw a quaint small town, and the people already began to stare at the new faces.

"Now what? How are we supposed to find this, Esmeralda?" Kimiko asked Timmy.

Timmy sighed as he looked around, "Hold on." He said, then closed his eyes to talk to Drystan.

"Any clues on how to find her, Drystan?" Timmy asked in his head.

Just then, an image showed in Timmy's head. It was a sign with the name La Push on it. It was of a tribe located here in Washington.

"This is where you will find the true alpha. She is staying with the Quileute tribe located in La Push." Drystan told Timmy.

"Thanks, buddy."

Timmy opened his eyes again. Kimiko and Milo stared at him with curiosity about what he was doing, then saw Timmy smile at them.

"We have to get to La Push and find the Quileute tribe. That's where she is." Timmy told the other two.

Kimiko sighed, "But we don't have a ride there. How are we supposed to get there?"

Timmy sighed as well, not thinking about transportation. He looked around where they were and didn't see anything to help them. Then suddenly, a car pulled up next to them, but it was a police cruiser. The car parked, and out walked an older man in a police uniform.

"You kids seem lost. Do you need any help?" The man asked.

"We're trying to get to La Push. We're meeting an old friend, but we don't have a ride." Timmy answered.

The man nodded, "Doesn't your friend know your coming?"

"No! It's a surprise that we're here." Kimiko answered.

"Well, I can drop you off. Who's your friend?"

Timmy smiled, "Esmeralda Holloway."

"Esmeralda. Oh yeah, I can bring you to her. Hop in. I'm Chief Swan, by the way." He said, unlocking the cruiser.

"Thank you. I'm Timmy. This is Kimiko and Milo."

"Nice to meet you guys. Welcome to Forks."

The trio got into the cruiser sitting in the back. They were silent, not fully trusting the man, but they knew that he was kind enough to offer them a ride that he wasn't so bad. Plus, Timmy could sense that he was harmless and wouldn't hurt them in any way. All they did now was wait as the three drove towards who they hoped would be their savior.


Esmeralda POV
The pack was all hanging outside Emily and Sam's house, playing on the beach. But to ruin the fun, of course, Jacob was ranting on and on about Bella being turned, which was annoying me so much that I was so close to punching him in the face.

"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff." Jacob said.

I rolled my eyes as I tried to focus on the soccer game the others were playing in the sand. But hearing Jacob talk about Bella was getting on my nerves.

"At least I'll get one thing out of it." Jacob said, referring to the Cullen's.

Sam shook his head, "No, you won't. Cullen's are not a danger to the town or the tribe."

"Well, he's either gonna kill her or change her. And the treaty says..."

"I say, Jacob. I say." With that, Sam walks away to join the others in the game.

Embry cut in before I could say anything, "You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha."

"Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time."

I turned to Jacob, finally cutting in, "Jake, do you honestly think you could kill Bella if she came back a vampire?"

"No, make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us."

"Shut up, Leah." Jacob says.

"Leah is right. You wouldn't be able to do it, and it doesn't matter because so help you, God, Jacob Black, if you lay a finger on any of the Cullen's, I will make it so that you can never extend the Black family line. Understood?" I say.

Jacob scoffed at me, but my eyes glowed red, "I said do you understand Jacob?"

Jacob backed down and nodded.

Leah chuckled, "Would you get over it anyway? It's not like you've imprinted on her."

The group looks at the other with imprints as Embry looks at Scarlett and I look at Paul.

"At least they seem happy." Seth says being charismatic.

Embry smiled, thinking about Scarlett, "Yeah, some people are lucky, I guess."

"Lucky? None of them, including you, Embry, belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it." Jacob ruined the moment.

I rolled my eyes at Jacob's negativity when Leah spoke, "Least if you imprint on someone, you'd finally forget about Bella. I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have."

I grab Leah's hand to try and make her feel better, and she gives me a small smile. I hear a car pull up to Sam and Emily's house. I turn and see three people get out of a police cruiser then it drives away. I felt a pull to the three, but I was cautious. I didn't know them as they could be more hunters. As they walk closer to us, the rest of the pack notices them, and they all stand to see the strangers on their land.

Timmy kimiko and Milo have finally found Esmeralda.
the drama is soon to commence again and i hope y'all are ready.
hope you enjoy.

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