SEVEN. morning

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I woke up the following day to the smell of bacon

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I woke up the following day to the smell of bacon. I sit in bed, remembering everything that happened yesterday and that Auggie and I were finally saved. I looked to my right to see Auggie wasn't next to me. I almost started to panic until I heard his voice in the kitchen.

I sigh, get up from the bed, and head out of the room towards the kitchen. I see Emily cooking with Auggie helping her and some of the pack just sitting around laughing as they wait for breakfast.

"Morning, Esmeralda." Emily greeted me, being the first to see me awake.

"Good morning," I said, walking towards her to see if she needed any more help.

"Looks like Moony's awake." I hear Jared say from the couch.

I gave him a confused look, "Moony?"

"Yeah, you're a child of the moon. So, Moony. What's your nickname from now on." He said, and then everyone in the room agreed.

I shake my head with a smile. "What about Auggie?"

"Oh, Auggie is little wolf or pup." Embry answers me with a smile. Everyone nods, confirming Embry's words, and I shake my head again at the group.

I turn to Auggie to see him smiling at his new nickname. We had only been here a night, and I could tell Auggie really liked the pack; they already saw him as one of them.

I ruffle Auggie's hair as I walk up to him sitting at the table, "You sleep well?"

"Yeah. I would have woken you up when I did, but Paul said to let you sleep for a little bit longer." Auggie said.

I smiled at my little brother and then turned my head to Paul, sitting on the couch, looking at me, and mouthed thank you. He nodded and turned to the other boys in the living room.

"Breakfast is ready," Emily announced to everyone.

All the boys raced to the kitchen and sat at the table. Once again, Paul pulled a seat out for me from where Auggie was sitting next to Embry. We all start digging into Emily's breakfast, not talking and enjoying the meal.

"Sam, is it still alright if me and Auggie go to the Cullen's today? They might have some spare clothes for us at their house.

"Yeah, it's fine. Since hunters are after you both, all I ask is that someone always walks you to and from the treaty line. Also, later today, I'm gonna talk to the elders about the hunters after you both." He said, worried about us.

"That's fine by me. Thank you." I say to the alpha, and he nods in return.

Everyone finishes their breakfast, and Emily collects their plates to clean them. I get up with her and start to help her with the dishes.

"Oh, Esmeralda, you don't have to do that. I got it."

"It's no problem, Emily. It's the least I can do. Plus, I don't see any of these useless boys helping you. But judging by how they automatically hand you their plates, I see that they never do." Emily laughs at my mean comments on the boys, who all have offended looks on their faces. I laugh along with Emily and start to help her wash the dishes.


Walking Auggie and me to the treaty line was Paul, of course. He wanted to be the first to bring us rather than someone else. So, it was a quiet walk to the line, with the only sound being Auggie trying to step on the crunch leaves on the ground.

When we finally got to the treaty line, Rosalie and Emmett were waiting for us.

"Emmy! Rosie!" Auggie screamed out, running to them in excitement.

"Auggie!" They say, simultaneously holding their arms out and letting him crash into them.

I hear a slight growl from Paul, and I nudge him with my elbow. I give him a look reminding him of our talk last night. He sighed and gave me an apologetic look.

"Alice saw you were heading towards the treaty line, so here we are." Emmett told me.

I smiled, "Of course she did."

I turn toward Paul with a smile, "Thanks for walking us. I'll call later for when to pick us up." I kiss his cheek, and he only nods and smiles at me.

"I'll see you later, little wolf."

Auggie turns and waves to him, "See you later, Paul."

I walk to Rosalie and Emmett, the latter having Auggie on his back, ready to run with them to their house.

"Ready, Holloway?" Emmett asks me with a playful smile.

I nod at him, "Race ya." I say and start running to Cullen's house.

"Hey, that's not far!" I hear Emmett yell behind me, making me laugh.

Of course, we finally made it to Cullen's house, with me first, then Rosalie and Emmett last.

"That's unfair. You cheated Mera, and I was slowed down with Auggie on my back."

"Oh, you're just a sore loser, Emmett. Face it, I won." I say, rubbing my win in his face.

He shakes his head, and we all head inside the big house. Walking into the living room, Emmett drops Auggie onto the couch and sits on top of him, just not hard enough to crush him. Auggie, let's put on a laugh and kick and punches Emmett to get him off. I smile at their playful mannerisms toward each other.

I sit on the couch next to Auggie after Emmett finally gets off of him, and then in walks the rest of the Cullen's minus Edward.

"Hey, Esmeralda." Alice greets me happily as she skips over to me on the couch and hugs me.

"Hi, Alice."

We let go, and I saw Esme holding clothes in both hands, "Here you guys go. I figured you'd want to shower and a change of clothes."

"Thank you, Esme." I tell her, grabbing the clothes for me while Auggie grabs the ones for him.

"Auggie, you can use me and Emmett's bathroom. You remember where it is?" Rosalie questions him.

He nods and runs up the stairs while I laugh at him and shake my head.

"You can use mine and Jasper's bathroom. I remember you liked the body wash I use." Alice tells me.

I chuckle at the vampire, "Where's Edward?" I question the family.

"He went to pick up Bella to introduce her to you and Auggie." Carlisle answers.

I nod and make my way upstairs to Alice and Jasper's room to take a nice long shower for the first time in 3 weeks.

this chapter is a little boring but it's just a filler one to show how Esmeralda and Auggie interact with the pack as well as the Cullen's.
hope you enjoy.

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