NINE. son

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"Ding ding ding

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"Ding ding ding. We have a winner!" Chris screams out. "You are correct. I am his son."

I looked at Scarlett, and I could see the fear in her eyes. Marcus had almost killed her, and as much as she is relieved that he is dead, now she learns he has a son. I saw how tightly Scarlett began to hold onto Embry, showing how frightened she was as she held onto her mate.

I turned to Chris, "Didn't think Marcus had time to have a girlfriend, let alone a son. Since you know, he was so busy chasing after children of the moon."

"Yeah, dear old dad was never really around much, seeing as he was busy hunting you down. But then again, I don't really blame him, though, seeing as he was hunting monsters. Creatures that shouldn't exist in the first place." Chris explained.

"You have to be bitter about that, don't you, though? As you said, dear old dad was never around. I can understand how you feel. My father was never around, either. And I resent him to this day."

Chris shook his head, "No. See, that's where we're different, Esmeralda. I don't resent my father. I looked up to him. Whenever he did come around, he would always tell me how he would be saving the world from bad people."

He smiled as he looked at me and continued, "Now, as a kid, I thought my father was a cop putting away the bad guys. But when I grew up, we wanted me to follow in his footsteps, so he told me all about those that go bump in the night. And from then on, I was hooked. I knew I wanted to hunt monsters just like he did."

"And here you are," I said.

Chris throws his arms up, "And here I am! About to kill the so-called true alpha. Esmeralda Holloway."

I chuckled at his response, and I saw the confused look on his face, "Kill me? I'd love to see you try."

"Oh, I will kill you. I will finish what my father started."

"But look at where your father ended up. Are you sure you want to end up just like he did?" I ask, glowing my eyes at him.

"You think you're little glowing red eyes trick will scare me? Well, guess again." Chris said, taking out a gun.

I growled as I shifted and pulled my claws out. I could hear Auggie next to me on the left, and I knew he had also shifted. Then to my right, I saw Scarlett walk up next to me and shift as well.

"We're not going down without a fight." I say.

Chris had a wicked smile on his face, "Neither will I." And he cocks his gun and pointed it at me.


I looked to see that Timmy had shouted. He was angry, and I could tell. I could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"I will not have you hunters hurting any more people!" He screamed just as his eyes glowed orange.

I had never seen eyes glow orange before. I had no clue what Timmy was, but I was dying to find out.

"And what do you think you're gonna do about it, Walker?" Chris asked.

Timmy smirked at the hunter. And right before all our eyes, Timmy was on fire. His eyes were glowing orange, claws and teeth were just like ours, and he began to walk forward.

"Timmy?!" I yelled at him.

He stopped and looked back at me. Just then, a voice that sounded like Timmy but more profound and demonic came out, "Do not worry. We will protect you all."

Drystan turned back forward and stocked towards the group of hunters. Most were looking at Timmy in fear, and others in shock. They had no idea what to do, and I could even see some fear in Chris' eyes. Then I heard something behind us and turned to see a fox-shaped aura around Kimiko, and her eyes also glowed an orange color. She began to walk forwards as well, and once she stood beside Timmy, she grabbed her belt. Her belt turned into a full-on katana, and she wielded it with power.

Everyone was stunned, even the pack. None of us knew what Kimiko or Timmy was, but I could tell and feel just how powerful they were. Maybe just as much, if not more, than me. Two of Chris' hunters tried to attack Drystan/Timmy and Kimiko, but Drystan/Timmy burned one while Kimiko slashed through the other. The other hunters were about to attack, but after seeing Drystan/Timmy, and Kimiko kill the other two, they all stepped back in fear.

Drystan/Timmy walked up to Chris, and I could see Chris didn't want to meet his eyes. He was afraid. Deathly afraid, I could smell that fear from across the clearing. I smirked at it, knowing that he would give up.

"Leave now. Or face the same fate as your father did before." Drystan/Timmy said.

I could tell Chris wanted to fight, but his fear was getting the better of him. I saw the rest of the hunters take off back into the woods. Not even thinking twice about the threat from Drystan/Timmy. Chris was the only one left behind. He looked into Drystan/Timmy's eyes, and even more fear rolled off him, looking at where Kimiko stood, holding her katana with the aura around her.

"Fine. I'll leave but one day. I swear one day you won't be able to hide from me, Esmeralda. I will kill you." He said, looking at me.

I smirked, "As I said before, I'd love to see you try. Especially now that I know what you fear most."

Chris sent me a glare, then turned and walked quickly back into the woods. Once he did, I saw the flames around Timmy die down until they were all gone. He turns and grabs onto Kimiko.

"Kimiko. It's okay. You can relax now." He told her, and I could see her aura was diminished until it was gone.

The pack was all silent as they stared at the two unknown creatures in front of them. They didn't know what to say, and frankly, neither did I.

"Dude, that was so cool!"

i hope that this isn't repetitive of what happened in the first part between Esmeralda and the hunter. but i think i did an alright job at making it different.
as in my mine Chris would be a younger version of Chris from Teen Wolf but if he was influenced by Gerard. imagine him to look however you like.
hope you enjoy.

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