FIVE. family

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"What the hell do you mean the Cullens are your family!?" Paul shouted at me

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"What the hell do you mean the Cullens are your family!?" Paul shouted at me.

I saw Auggie flinch from Paul's loud voice and turned and glared at him.

"They're our Family. Is there a problem with that?" I growled at him feeling the anger starting to rise in me.

"Yes, there's a problem with that, their leeches. There are killers! You shouldn't even be friends with them." So he told me as I could sense his anger rising.

"No, they're not. They don't kill people, and they love us. You don't know what you're talking about." Auggie yelled at Paul.

"Auggie, it's okay. I got this." I told him, putting my hand on his shoulder to stop him from standing up. "Look, our Family has known the Cullen's for years, and they have always helped protect us from the hunters. They wouldn't do anything to hurt Auggie and me."

"How can you be sure they won't hurt you guys?" Paul questioned.

I roll my eyes at him, "Because Carlisle and Esme are my godparents, while Rosalie and Emmett are Auggie's. I'm also named after Esme, and that's how I know because my mother trusted them enough to make them a part of our Family."

"Is that why blonde was so protective of Auggie and didn't want you guys to come with us?" Jacob asked.

"Her name is Rosalie, for your information." Auggie told him with an angry look on his face.

Jacob just rolled his eyes at Auggie, which made me angrier by the second. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and opened my eyes again. "Look, I know your tribe has a horrible history with the cold ones. I understand that. I do. But you guys have to understand that the Cullens are different. They have helped us countless times. Helping us move from town to town to escape hunters that want us extinct. Although they are vampires and should be our natural enemies, they aren't because my Family took the time to get to know them for who they are. That's why they are our Family."

I looked around the table to see some of the pack with understanding looks on their face while the rest didn't have it. I sighed to figure out a way to get them to understand me.

𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 ➜ 𝑷. 𝑳𝒂𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒆Where stories live. Discover now