SIXTEEN. training

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It has been a few days since Auggies first full moon, where he shifted

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It has been a few days since Auggies first full moon, where he shifted. He was itching to start his training even the day after he turned, but I knew he had to rest his body. But today was the day Auggie would start his training, and I knew he would be excited.

We had just finished breakfast Emily had cooked for us, and almost all the pack were hanging out. I walk into the living room wearing workout leggings and a sports bra. I see the boys give me a confused look, but I smile.

"Is today the day?" Auggie asks with wide eyes.

I nod, "Yup. It's time for your training."

Auggie smiled brightly and ran to the room to get dressed in workout clothes.

"Training?" Paul asked me, still confused.

"Once our kind shifts for the first time, we start their training. To learn how to fight and defend themselves properly."

Sam enters the room, hearing the conversation, "Really?"

I nod my head yes when Auggie comes back dressed and ready.

"Alright, let's go." I say, heading outside the house.

Standing in the clearing in front of Sam and Emily's, I turn to Auggie and see that everyone follows us out.

"Okay. Let's get started."

I had Auggie run laps on the beach and then some basic exercises to see where his strengths were. Then the real training began.

Over the next few weeks, I had Auggie running through the forest with weights, practicing how to punch and kick, and doing regular strength training. Although Auggie complained the entire time, he still pushed through the workouts.

He learned how to punch and kick the right way, as well as to learn how to dodge any attack coming his way. I taught him to use his new agility to help him fight and block attacks. Auggie was a fast learner, and it made it easy to teach him everything our mother taught me.

Now Auggie and I are standing again in the clearing in front of Sam and Emily's preparing to fight. Of course, curious about Auggie's training, everyone was sitting outside watching us.

"So what exactly is it you guys are doing today?" Jared asks.

I turn to the group, "Auggie is going to fight me. And if he can beat me in hand-to-hand combat, he has completed his training, but if he doesn't, then training continues."

They nod, understanding, and I turn back to Auggie.

"Before we start, there's something you need to know."

Auggie nods, "Okay, lay it on me."

I smile and put my hands on my waist, "To succeed in training, you need to know what your stakes are."

"My stakes?" Auggie says.

"Yup. Your stakes are what drive you to learn and fight. If you don't have any stakes, then you will be discouraged and lose."

Auggie nods, "Okay, so what are my stakes?"

"Your stake is survival. Our kind has been on the run for centuries. With this training, you learn how to defend and keep yourself safe. That is your stake. Survival. Remember that."

Auggie nods and stays quiet.

"Okay, before we start, don't be upset if you lose against me. This is part of training. You are fighting against someone who has trained more and is skilled in fighting. If you don't win the first time, it's completely normal. So don't expect to."

"How long did it take you until you finally beat mom?" Auggie asks.

I smiled, "It took me three months." I see an unsure look on his face and laugh. "Auggie, don't worry. As I said, it's gonna take time. But I have a feeling because of your quick learning that it might take you less, but everyone is different regarding training."

"Okay. I'm ready."

I nod, "Alright."

We both get into position with our hands up. We circle each other, waiting for one to make the first move. Auggie made the first punch, but I quickly dodged it as I threw a point to his left side that wasn't blocked. He staggers back a little and puts his hands back up.

This time I swing first. Auggie dodges it, then throws a right hook. But I grab his arm, twisting it and flipping him over my shoulder with him landing on the floor. He then gets up quickly, wanting another go. In position again, August throws another punch, and I block again, but he manages to get a hit on my right side.

"Nice little wolf!" Paul shouts out.

I could see Auggie gaining some confidence from Paul's comment as he raised his hands again. I throw a right hook, and he blocks it. So I do a roundhouse kick to his stomach, which knocks him down. I knew then that he was done as I heard him gasping for air.

Auggie sits on his right arm with his left holding his stomach, "That hurt." He says.

"Sorry, papito. Didn't mean to hit you that hard."

"Does this mean I failed?" He asks as I help him up off the ground.

"Yes. But that's okay. We just need to do more training."

He nods.

"That was awesome, Esmeralda!" Seth exclaimed as the pack all nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, guys."

I see Auggie smile, "Think any of you could take Mera on?"



"Absolutely not."

"I'm too young to die."

this was a fun one to write and as i wrote it for some reason the song immortals by fall out boy popes into my head.
i love that song and though it was perfect for this story.
hope you enjoy!

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